Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2011年08月02日 11時52分07秒 | Weblog
九電、プルサーマル説明会でも賛意表明要請 社員らに



社説:危険な原発から廃炉に 核燃サイクル幕引きを

社説:原発から再生エネルギーへ 論説委員長 冠木雅夫






The biggest threat to Western values
Multiculturalism does not pose a significant danger to Western values - but neoliberalism does.
Tarak Barkawi Last Modified: 27 Jul 2011


This was one of the questions that animated the Frankfurt School and those who influenced it. They focused on the interaction between capitalism and culture. They noted the ways in which capitalism progressively turned everything into something that could be bought or sold, measuring value only by the bottom line


Money and "efficiency" are the values by which we stand, not law, truth or health. Students are imagined as "customers", citizens as "stakeholders". Professional associations worry about the risk to their bottom line rather than furthering the values they exist to represent. Graduates of elite Western universities, imbued with the learning of our great thinkers, are sent off to corporations like News International. There they learn to shut up, obey, and collaborate in the dark work of exploitation for profit, for which they will be well rewarded, at least financially speaking.


Neoliberalism has only accelerated these processes at the heart of capitalist society. Here is a far more convincing threat to Western values and "social cohesion" than the lunatic fears of fascists.







 共通の敵というのがあって、左派でも官民癒着して暴利をあさる構造、ネオリベからすれば、競争を阻害する政官業の癒着、こうしたものは両者ともにとって敵であろう。ネオリベなどからしてみれば計画経済のほうがよほど政官業の癒着を深めて、結果的に庶民のためにもならない。左派がネオリベに懸念するのは弱者切り捨てになってしまうことであろうが、これに関して、例えば、福祉を私的な 寄付だけにしろ、とまでいうネオリベ論者は少なくとも日本では見かけない。


Norway: Muslims and metaphors
After the Norway attacks, as after many others, Muslims were the first to be blamed.
Hamid Dabashi Last Modified: 31 Jul 2011


white masculinist -

Look at just one of these bestselling authors - this person called Dinesh D'Souza. Look at the title of some of his books: What's So Great About Christianity; What's So Great About America; Ronald Reagan: How An Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader; Life After Death: The Evidence. The man has one simple idea: America and Christianity are the greatest things that ever happened to humanity - and everything else - the Left and Islam in particular - are the darkest evils that ever were, categorically condemned to hell unless like him they see the light, join his church, and be saved.

He is a Christian fundamentalist warmonger who hates gays, hates Muslims, hates feminists, hates the Left, he in fact hates anything and everything that is non-Christians, as he understands Christianity, but he loves an abstraction he calls "America", which to him is a white America - but, and there is the rub, he is not white. What sort of a mental case is that? The man is a dark-skin Indian. But he sees himself as a white warrior of Greek mythology in Zach Snyder's movie. Muslims and the Left, gays and blacks, feminists and multiculturalists - these are the creatures he sees in front of him, his nightmares. But he is not alone. He is a New York Times "bestseller", as they say.



Iranian acid attack victim pardons culprit
Woman blinded by former classmate forgives him, thereby sparing him of retributive blinding by state eye specialist.
Last Modified: 31



My Very Own Captain America
Published: July 29, 2011

But as I watched the scenes of a fictitious integrated American Army fighting in Europe at the end of World War II, I became unsettled. Yes, I know that racial revisionism has become so common in film that it’s almost customary, so much so that moviegoers rarely balk or even blink. And even I try not to think too deeply about shallow fare. Escapism by its nature must bend away from reality. But this time I was forced to bend it back. It was personal.

The only black fighting forces on the ground in Europe during World War II were segregated, including the 92nd Infantry Division: The now famous “Buffalo Soldiers.” My grandfather, Fred D. Rhodes, was one of those soldiers.

For one, as the historian Daniel K. Gibran has documented, the soldiers were placed under the command of a known racist who questioned their “moral attitude toward battle,” “mental toughness” and “trustworthiness,” and who remained a military segregationist until the day he died. In 1959, the commander commented in a study: “It is absurd to contend that the characteristics demonstrated by the Negroes” will not “undermine and deteriorate the white army unit into which the Negro is integrated.”

Yet they did show great toughness and character, including my grandfather. This is how his 1944 Silver Star citation recounts his bravery:




question of the day: Does ‘Captain America’ blackwash history?


Woman Refuses Home After Vandals Spray 'KKK' On It

Posted: 4:58 pm EDT July 31, 2011
Updated: 5:14 pm EDT July 31, 2011

BARTOW COUNTY, Ga. -- A Bartow County woman says she's afraid to move into a home after vandals left a racist message on the house in more than one spot.
The woman said she was in the process of buying the home, but someone painted the letters KKK on the garage door and the back of the house.
Now, Kristy Spivey is saying she's afraid to live in the home.
"This is 2011! People are still doing this?" Spivey said. "I feel like I am a victim of a hate crime because it wasn't targeted toward any other house but this one."
Spivey’s mother, Rosa Spivey, said, "I thought it was so awful for somebody to do something like this to a young person trying to make it in life."


Racism in Oz: Aus radio host calls India '
shit hole', Ganga a 'junkyard'

Source: PTI | Last Updated 15:5

オーストラリア ラジオホストが、インドのことを便器、ガンジス川はゴミ箱といって非難されている。

We just won't cop it, say Melton police

AN African-Australian refugee advocacy group says Victoria Police’s response to reports of racist gangs operating in Melton is ``completely unacceptable’‘.

Dr Berhan Ahmed from Footscray-based group African Think Tank said it was “completely wrong to say that there is not a particular issue’‘.

Police have again played down fears, saying there is no evidence or reports made to suggest racist gangs are attacking the town’s African population.

The concerns were raised after a report, Bridging the Gap, was commissioned by Melton state Labor MP Don Nardella.

The report claimed that two anti-black youth gangs were operating in Melton.

Police say one of the groups mentioned has been shut down and believe the other is not operating.

They also say online pictures and videos of the gangs are quite old, and some of the people pictured have already been dealt with by police.


Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2011

World needs lessons in dealing with difference; Japan needs an education in attracting students

Ignorance is widespread

If you have traveled extensively, Mr. McLellan, you might have noticed that Japan is not the only country where adults say such things. If fact, you're likely to encounter the same in other ethnically homogenous countries in the rest of Asia.

And even in Western countries like Australia ― where I was born and currently live ― as an Asian person I constantly get, "Your English is very good!" or "You seem kind of Australian, not like the other foreigners" from probably well-meaning people of all demographics. After telling them I was born and bred and educated in a private school, they seem to be able to find a justification for my out-of-place, unexpected English proficiency. Then they will pursue some other questioning of Asian stereotypes, e.g. why we like to gamble so much.

I am not the only Asian person who experiences this. It's as widespread as our cane toad plague.

So if you think Japan is culturally challenged, look again and you'll find that so is the rest of the world ― that is, if you cared to look.




