Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

UPDATE: JAKE ADELSTEIN, conspiracy theorist, thinks Japan Scapegoats Carlos Ghosn

2018年11月21日 20時26分00秒 | Weblog
Japan Scapegoats Nissan Boss Carlos Ghosn in Overdue Corruption Crackdown
Beleaguered authorities slapped the handcuffs on Brazilian-born auto chief after allowing Japanese executives to get away with corruption for years.

Jake Adelstein

It should be noted that executives at other companies who have technically committed the same violations of the law (falsifying financial statements) have often not been arrested or prosecuted.

Arresting CEO for Tax evasion is not uncommon. Google 脱税 社長 逮捕


Ghosn’s high salary had drawn much criticism and attention. In Japan even companies listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock exchange draw ire for awarding top executives salaries in excess of a million dollars.

Just like most Americans

The Median Amazon Employee's Salary Is $28,000. Jeff Bezos Makes More Than That in 10 Seconds

CEOs Are Rewarded for Keeping Their Employees in Poverty. It’s Time to Change That.
By Rep. Barbara Le

Most Americans Can't Guess the Average CEO's
By KARA BRANDEISKY February 5, 2016
Almost three in four Americans believe CEOs are overpaid.

Almost three in four Americans believe CEOs are overpaid.

Early reaction to the news on Japan’s social media was not sympathetic to Ghosn. “Underreporting a 100,000,000 yen or so is a big deal! He shouldn’t earn that much to begin with.”

Just like Pickety and Le Penn?

There is some speculation on why the Tokyo Prosecutor’s are taking what seems to be a hard-line with Ghosn.

Which conspirational theorist is talking about that? I can't find the one.

Since Nissan is such a big company, the arrest drew much attention and there are lots of speculations.

日産カルロス・ゴーン氏逮捕は見せしめか!? 「次のターゲットは●●」「ウラに政府陰謀と消費税10%」事情通が暴露


Japanese government is behind this.



French government is behind this.

L'affaire Ghosn, un "coup d'Etat" interne fomenté par Nissan?
The Ghosn case, an internal "coup" fomented by Nissan?

Asked about how Ghosn’s reign had collapsed as if by a “coup d’etat,” Saikawa stressed that there was no such intent behind the internal probe.

Nissan CEO Saikawa is to blame.

PM Abe is to blame

If Ghosn was a Japanese citizen and a well-liked Japanese executive, it seems unlikely that he would have to endure the humiliation of an actual arrest.

Generally speaking the Japanese people don't like executives. Who is well-liked Japanese executives?  Matsushita ? Morita ? They didn't evade tax.

By going after a high-profile and slightly disliked figure like Ghosn—and arresting him rather than simply indicting him—the

zakzak ザクザク


The downfall of the charismatic manager, who has been praised as ”the Savior”

誰がカルロス・ゴーンを持ち上げたのか? 「カリスマ」賞賛というリスク

Ghosn has been regarded as a charismatic leader in Japan

Google ゴーン カリスマ

Tokyo Prosecutors appear to be trying to varnish their diminished reputation as Japan’s elite crime-fighting agency.


Some people are blaming Tokyo Prosecutors for not indicting people like Sagawa, who should have been indicted before, in addition to Ghosn

It is also believed that his high salary earned him enmity within the company, which motivated a whistleblower to come forward with their grievances.



If Nissan somehow found Ghosn used Nissan's money illegally, isn't it their duty to investigate and whistleblow?



前妻が独占告白 強欲ゴーン氏の素顔
「週刊文春」編集部 3時間前
source : 週刊文春 2018年11月29日号

genre : ニュース, 経済, 国際, 企業








