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Minors make up roughly half the victims of human trafficking in the U.S

2015年12月20日 05時06分49秒 | Weblog

According to the U.S. Justice Department, minors make up roughly half the victims of human trafficking in the U.S. and are the victims of the fastest-growing criminal enterprise after drug trafficking — worth an estimated $32 billion a year worldwide

Data from the National Human Trafficking Resouce Center indicate that of the 4,168 cases of trafficking in the U.S. reported on the center’s hotline in 2014, close to 3,100 of them involved sex trafficking. The data, released by Polaris, an anti-slavery nongovernmental organization, also show that roughly one third of those cases involved minors.

When they describe the things they’ve seen — looking for missing girls as young as 11 or seeing what one violent pimp or another did to a girl — their cop masks, the face of calm while cuffing a john or questioning a stoned passenger of a hot-boxed car about missing girls, drop for a moment.

As Officer Vanessa Rios sorts through the young woman’s purse, the woman, who goes by Cupcakes, explains why she’s there: Her baby is with her pimp.

“I just needed some cash. It’s hard being single,”
she says. She’s not totally single, though. She has “MS” tattooed on her; Rios says this makes the woman’s pimp a guy who goes by MacSauce, a member of the Denver Lane Bloods. He owns her.





