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U.S. Has Three Aircraft Carriers in West Pacific for First Time in a Decade

2017年10月27日 14時56分54秒 | Weblog
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U.S. Has Three Aircraft Carriers in West Pacific for First Time in a Decade
By Anthony Capaccio
2017年10月26日 10:47 JST
Navy also deployed a SEAL-carrying submarine to region
U.S. says arrival is part of previously planned cycle

Pentagon officials said Thursday that the deployment of three Navy aircraft carrier groups heading toward the Korean Peninsula this week has been planned for some time and that the move is not a result of recent North Korean threats.

“This was a unique opportunity to show that the U.S. is the only power in the world that can demonstrate that kind of presence and a unique opportunity for them to be together,” Defense Department chief spokeswoman Dana White told reporters at the Pentagon.

“It’s not directed towards any particular threat. But it is a demonstration that we can do something that no one else in the world can,” she said.



