Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年09月22日 13時08分05秒 | Weblog
SUNDAY, SEP 22, 2013 01:00 AM +0900
The GOP’s “Hunger Games” vision of America
Cutting food stamps and sabotaging Obamacare aren't irrational – they're part of the 1 percent's all-out class war

Within the last week, we have learned that poverty remains at near-record levels in our supposedly affluent nation. Even amid a so-called economic recovery, nearly 22 percent of the nation’s children live in poverty, and the overall number of poor people reached an all-time high, at 46.5 million. Income inequality, meanwhile, is roughly twice as bad as it was in the 1970s, reaching a level never seen before in this country or any other industrialized nation. The top 1 percent of Americans now bring home almost 20 percent of the country’s annual income

This extended class war has been an extraordinary success, and through the long lens of history it looks less like a series of disconnected events than a coordinated campaign to drive the bottom one-fifth – or one-third, or one-half – of the population into lives of endless drudgery and political apathy, while maximizing corporate profits and concentrating both wealth and power in a tiny oligarchy at the top of the pyramid.

The contemporary hard-right core of the Republican Party only represents the wealthiest people in our society, especially the executives and major shareholders at big corporations. Those people do not actually want to create a more generally affluent society or grow the middle class or any such nonsense

High unemployment and stingy benefits are a boon to employers, since a desperate worker is a cheap and compliant worker.








