Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2011年11月05日 04時36分11秒 | Weblog



(2011年11月4日15時09分 読売新聞)


Congress honors Japanese-American soldiers
Published November 02, 2011

| Associated Press
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WASHINGTON – Thousands of Japanese-Americans who fought in the fiercest battles of World War II and became some of the most decorated soldiers in the nation's history were given an overdue thank-you from their country Wednesday when Congress awarded them its highest civilian honor.

完全養殖クロマグロ、もうすぐ食卓に 8日から本格出荷


Friday, November 04, 2011
The Latest On Olympus In The Japanese Media

2011年11月03日(木) 伊藤 博敏








Greek referendum ruins bailout plans

Rich husband watches live porn show of guy banging his wife

The Gadget Shop millionaire, his glamorous wife and 'a grubby tryst in a nightclub'
Chris and Mary Gorman deny charges after arrest in Roxy Club, in Orlando, Florida
Police say they found her performing a sex act on another man as her husband watched
Mrs Gorman was charged with battery and drug possession while her husband is charged with 'interfering' with a police officer
The man allegedly in the cubicle with them was released without charge
Last updated at 7:59 PM on 2nd November 2011


Almost seven percent of Americans live below half the poverty line
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Published: 03 November, 2011

Handout nation:.One in 15 Americans now officially living in poverty as number receiving food stamps rises 8.1% in a year
Worst hit states are Mississippi, Tennessee, Oregon, New Mexico and Louisiana
One in 15 people now living in poverty
But unemployment benefit claims down for third week in a row
Last updated at 9:18 PM on 3rd November 2011

Poorest poor in US hits new record: 1 in 15 people
By HOPE YEN and LAURA WIDES-MUNOZ Associated Press November 3, 2011

WASHINGTON ― The ranks of America’s poorest poor have climbed to a record high ― 1 in 15 people ― spread widely across metropolitan areas as the housing bust pushed many inner-city poor into suburbs and other outlying places and shriveled jobs and income.

New census data paint a stark portrait of the nation’s haves and have-nots at a time when unemployment remains persistently high. It comes a week before the government releases first-ever economic data that will show more Hispanics, elderly and working-age poor have fallen into poverty.

Thu, Nov. 03 2011 11:49 PM EDT
Nearly 7 Percent of Americans in Extreme Poverty, Census Says
By Matthew Cortina

One in every 15 Americans, about 6.5 percent of the population, is extremely poor, according to a study based on recent census data.

Over 20 million Americans are classified in the bottom 50 percent of the poor population. The rate of extreme of poverty is the worst since the census began collecting such data 35 years ago.

Extreme poverty is classified as any individual making $5,570 or any family of four making less than $11,175 annually.

The numbers reflect the impact of the economic recession.

アメリカ 貧困問題

NOVEMBER 4, 2011 · 2:33 PM
Nazi-Saluting Nationalists March In Russia, Call For Ethnic Purity

Thousands of Russian nationalists and right-wing extremists marched through Moscow and other cities to mark a ‘Day of National Unity’ and to call for a strong and Slavic Russia.

‘Russia for Russians,’ chanted some men in black masks during a demonstration in the capital, as sizeable police units looked on.

Official estimates gave the number of marchers in Moscow at some 7,000 participants. Organizers put the number at 25,000.

ロシア右翼 集会 ネオナチ

NOVEMBER 4, 2011 · 2:05 PM
UK Man Jailed For Inciting Attacks On Asians During Riots

A father-of-two who used Facebook to encourage attacks on the Asian community has been jailed.

Martin Hartshorn, of McCauley Street, Grimsby, posted messages on the social networking site on 9 August as rioting broke out in several English cities.

He admitted charges of intentionally encouraging or assisting an offence and publishing written material intended to stir up racial hatred.

Hartshorn, 22, was jailed for three years at Grimsby Crown Court.

A judge heard that the comments went beyond simply encouraging others to riot in his home town, and including inciting potential rioters to target the Asian community.

He posted the comment: “Let’s do our riot different. Let’s burn all the Paki shops and takeaways.”

Another post said: “And the Islamic Centre, we can’t forget that.”

イギリス 暴動 扇動

NOVEMBER 4, 2011 · 7:27 AM

Houston Men Sue Electric Company Over Racial Discrimination

TJ is joined in the lawsuit by Eric Spencer, who says he received a disturbing text from a supervisor.

“I was kind of shocked, ‘what is this?’” Spencer said. “It scared me, because I have a wife; I took it as a threat, that they were saying they’re trying to kill me.”

Last December, he claims an image was sent to his phone depicting Santa Claus dressed as a KKK member holding a noose and a burning cross in the background.

“Looked like two more Klan members behind him and at the bottom it said have a White Christmas,” Spencer said.

Spencer says he made a complaint to steward.

“He was talking to me about it and as he was talking to me about it, the foreman walked up and began cursing me out,” he said.

And then he claims as he tried to quit, he was fired.

The company responded to the allegations saying, “Schmidt Electric has not been served with the lawsuit and has not had a chance to review the complaint. However, Schmidt does not engage in illegal discrimination or harassment in the workplace. We will vigorously defend the lawsuit.”

職場差別 ヘイトクライム

NOVEMBER 4, 2011 · 7:26 AM
Anti-Iranian Poster At Texas Restaurant Raises Furor

The owner of a longtime Katy barbecue restaurant vows he will not remove a poster on his wall, despite cries of racism that are spreading online, Local 2 Investigates reported Thursday.

“This is still America. If they’re not happy here, then they should go back to Iran,” said John Nonmacher, owner of Nonmacher’s Barbecue on Mason Road.

Among the many joking posters and other signs on the walls, one poster depicts a group of cowboys lynching what appears to be a Middle Eastern man.

One member of the lynch mob wears a shirt that reads “Iranians Suck” and the caption at the bottom declares, “Let’s play cowboys and Iranians.”

Ayman Wafai, a Houston energy engineer of Syrian heritage, spoke to the owner after his wife spotted the poster. He said it’s a racist attack on anyone with Middle Eastern ties. He said if a different race were depicted, the furor would be deafening.


NOVEMBER 4, 2011 · 7:28 AM
Update: Mississippi Man Who Burned Bar For Serving Black Men Sentenced For Intimidating Witness
A north Mississippi man who torched a local bar that dared to serve drinks to black patrons now faces an additional 108 months in prison for sending threatening communications to a witness.

The sentence was handed down to Wayne Stoker, 45, of Oxford by a federal court judge yesterday (November 3).

As reported earlier, Stoker is already serving time on state and federal charges for setting fire to a bar in Coffeeville.

He told the judge he set fire to the establishment in August of 2010 because of racial hatred.

The latest charges say Stoker mailed a letter and a portion of an interview report to a witness who testified against him the day after his sentencing on arson charges.


NOVEMBER 4, 2011 · 7:27 AM
Louisiana Man Pleads Guilty To Shooting At Hispanic Men In Racially Motivated Attack

A Prairieville man has pleaded guilty to a charge he shot and wounded two Hispanic men in what federal prosecutors call a racially motivated attack.

Fifty-year-old Mark Gautreau faces up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine following his guilty plea Thursday to one count of assault with a dangerous weapon.

Prosecutors say Gautreau fired a single shotgun blast at four Hispanic men who were fishing on the Bonnet Carre Spillway in St. Charles Parish on Aug. 20, 2006. Two of the men were wounded and hospitalized.

Before the shooting, Gautreau allegedly told a bystander that he intended to “shoot some Mexicans.” Prosecutors said the victims didn’t threaten Gautreau in any way.


NOVEMBER 4, 2011 · 7:25 AM

Canadian Lieutenant Governer Apologizes For Racist Pakistani Joke

Newfoundland and Labrador’s lieutenant-governor John Crosbie apologized Thursday for making fun of Pakistan suicide bombers that a few found offensive.

“If anyone who thinks the joke is offensive, or there’s something wrong with it, well I’ll apologize to them, sure – If that’s what they think. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings,” he said.

Last week, Crosbie cracked a joke on the appointment of provincial cabinet ministers by saying, “I called a suicide hotline. I got a call centre in Pakistan. When I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck.”

カナダ 失言

NOVEMBER 4, 2011 · 7:23 AM
Study: First-Time Divorce Rate Tied To Race, Education

Among women in a first marriage, the rate of first divorce is highest for those who received some education after high school, but have not earned a bachelor’s degree ― 23 per 1,000.

The association between education and divorce is also curvilinear. The least (no high school diploma or GED) and the highest (college degree) educated women share the lowest rate of first divorce, with 14.4 and 14.2 per 1,000, respectively.

Broken down by race and ethnicity, the study found Asian women have the lowest first divorce rate at 10 divorces per 1,000 women in a first marriage. The first divorce rates of white and Hispanic women were similar at 16.3 and 18.1, respectively.

African-American women have substantially higher rates of first divorce compared to all other racial and ethnic groups, at 30.4 divorces per 1,000 women in a first marriage.

Once education was factored in, the NCFMR found, with the exception of Asians, the highest rate of first divorce was among women with some college, regardless of race or ethnicity.

“Contrary to the notion that women with a college degree face the lowest chances of divorce, those without a high school degree actually have similar low odds of divorce,” explained Dr. Susan Brown, NCFMR co-director. “The relationship between education and divorce is not straightforward.”

離婚率 人種 教育

'Blacks, you are lazy'
2011-11-03 13:30

David Moseley recently wrote that white people should march like the blacks.

To quote him, “our single greatest failing as a race; we’re just too damn content to work hard and expect results from effort. What kind of a bone-headed strategy is that? No wonder we’re not marching through the streets demanding free trips to Mauritius, extra cheese on our pizzas and the like. We’re too busy working. Fools. The lot of us.”

The assumption, which is under the guise of humour, is that blacks don’t work hard and like free things. Well, I won’t lie. I like free things like most people do.

固定観念 ステレオタイプ

Asian Americans Fastest-growing Racial Group and a Rising Political Constituency
UC Riverside political scientist co-authors book about the political behavior of the fastest-growing minority group in the United States.
(November 3, 2011)

There are a lot of assumptions made in the news media about how Asian Americans vote, without any good survey data to provide support for anecdotal evidence,” Ramakrishnan said. “For instance, there was widespread speculation during the 2008 primaries that racial prejudice was a major factor that explained why Asian Americans voted in such low numbers for Obama. We analyzed our survey data and found that racial considerations played a very minor role.”



CNNがカンヌの位置を派手に間違えた件 bitly.com/tHveHc


[Youtube]CNN does not know geography bitly.com/w3hgfn 地理を知らないCNNと言えばやはりこれだな。

Hostel Causes Uproar For Being ‘Racist’

マレーシア 外国人お断り

Anti-Defamation League Denounces Pat Buchanan, Urges MSNBC To "Reconsider His Role With The Network"
November 03, 2011 11:03 am ET by Media Matters staff

On November 2, The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) issued the following statement:


New York, NY, November 2, 2011 ... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) voiced grave concern today that Pat Buchanan, a political analyst for MSNBC, continues to openly express anti-Semitic, racist and anti-immigrant views.



At Home in a Foreign Country
German Turks Struggle to Find Their Identity

By Maximilian Popp, Özlem Gezer and Christoph Scheuermann

The first Turkish 'guest workers' arrived in West Germany 50 years ago. Like other immigrants, they've had children and grandchildren since then. But large segments of younger generations are struggling to find their place in Germany, where they are hampered by a lack of education and prospects for the future.

It was supposed to have been yet another feel-good, photo-op meeting. Maria Böhmer, the German government's integration coordinator, had invited a group of young people with foreign roots to a gathering at the Chancellery last Tuesday. The event was meant to generate cheerful images of immigrants and tell the story of a successful integration policy. But then four young men and a woman stepped onto the stage.

They had prepared a statement, and the message it delivered was stark: "Nothing is good in Germany."


And although they did grow up in Germany, they have fewer prospects for success there than their fathers and grandfathers, who came to the country as adults to find work or political asylum. Almost a third of all men and women with foreign roots between the ages of 25 and 35 have no professional qualifications. The data is especially alarming for the roughly three million Turkish immigrants, Germany's largest minority. The share of young Turks with no professional qualifications rose from 44 to 57 percent between 2001 and 2006. This figure alone -- 57 percent -- perfectly illustrates the sheer magnitude of the failure on both sides.

At the same time, those with higher qualifications, the ones Germany urgently needs, say they want to get out as soon as possible. In 2006, there was net outward migration from Germany to Turkey for the first time. This too is an indication of the failure of a modern society. For many immigrants, Germany is no longer attractive enough.

The Prognos research institute predicts that Germany will be short three million workers by 2015. For the economy, the children of immigrants could be a welcome reservoir of globally thinking and culturally diverse employees, and yet the reality is different in many respects. Some 2.3 million people between the ages of 15 and 25 with foreign roots live in Germany, or one in four members of this age group. Many struggle with similar problems. On average, they are less well educated than the children of German families, their German isn't as good, and they don't do as well in kindergarten, school and in the labor market.

Part 2: Ethnic Segregation in German Cities

Caglar Budakli is walking through the streets of Kreuzberg, past kebab shops and hair salons. Young men -- Turks, Lebanese, Albanians -- shake his hand in greeting. Budakli is still a notorious figure in the neighborhood. At 11, he joined a Berlin gang called the "Crazy Kick Brothers," spending his days on the streets, spraying graffiti and breaking into grocery stores. He spent less and less time in school, partly because he felt that the teachers were humiliating him. He was arrested at 15 and charged with burglary and extortion. He had to change schools six times, until there were no longer any principals in Kreuzberg willing to accept him.

The middle class's fear of the detrimental effects of proximity to immigrant populations is not just reflected in schools, but in entire neighborhoods. Social scientists are finding that the segregation of German cities into socially and ethnically distinct neighborhoods is progressing. Hochfeld, a district in the western city of Duisburg, is an example of how a neighborhood deteriorates when its more affluent and educated residents move away.
"What Kind of People are Germans?"

For years, he has been studying ghettoes in Germany, which he calls "ethnic colonies." He says that immigrant colonies are vital for the survival of new arrivals, because they cushion the culture shock. Germans also formed colonies when they first arrived in New York and Tokyo. On the other hand, says Ceylan, the many years of isolation mean that immigrants lose contact with the rest of society, which is precisely what is happening in Hochfeld and many other neighborhoods in Germany.
A small segment of the young immigrant generation has accepted its status as troublemakers in Germany. They are the lost in two ways. On the one hand, their country of birth has no use for them; on the other, they feel outcast and excluded. Some have found a risky way to handle their envy and the feeling of being unwanted: They cultivate an aversion for the majority, who they perceive as oppressors.

Some of these angry young people discover religion, which offers them security, guidance and a seductive opportunity to isolate themselves from the majority. Isolation is also a way of forming an identity. In a 2005 survey by the Essen Center for Turkish Studies, 80 percent of Muslims of Turkish origin between the ages of 18 and 29 described themselves as "somewhat" or "very" religious, up from only 64 percent five years earlier.

ドイツ 移民問題


