Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

非正規移民の犯罪率も低い 不法移民が多い地域ほど、犯罪率は少ない。

2018年12月10日 04時31分50秒 | Weblog


Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit more crime
By Christopher Ingraham

Christopher Ingraham

June 19

Undocumented immigrants are considerably less likely to commit crime than native-born citizens, with immigrants legally in the United States even less likely to do so.


Do places with higher percentages of undocumented immigrants have higher rates of crime? The answer, as the chart above shows, is a resounding no.

States with larger shares of undocumented immigrants tended to have lower crime rates than states with smaller shares in the years 1990 through 2014. "Increases in the undocumented immigrant population within states are associated with significant decreases in the prevalence of violence," authors Michael T. Light and Ty Miller found.



Why do young men commit more crimes?

Gender and age are arguably the two best predictors of crime. In 2014, males accounted for 73 percent of all arrestees in the U.S. and 80 percent of those arrested for violent crimes. Prison population statistics tells a similar story. Males accounted for 93 percent of the U.S. prisoners in 2014. Similarly, more than half of all homicides in 2014 were committed by 15-to-29-year olds, who only made up 20 percent of the population. Young males also have much higher rates of crime victimization than other demographic groups.

Given these large disparities in crime commission, victimization, and imprisonment by gender and age, it is natural to ask: Why are young men much more likely to be involved in crime? The discrepancy may be largely driven by biological differences in natural strength and the tendency to use violence between men and women and between the young and the old. At the same time, differences in economic opportunities may also play some role in explaining high crime rates among young men.

An Economic Explanation
Economist Jeffrey Grogger argues that high crime rates among young men can be partly explained by their adverse labor market opportunities. Jobs available for this demographic group tend to be low-paying ones, making it more likely for young males to be swayed by criminal opportunities that promise higher pecuniary payoffs.


Germany: Migrants 'may have fuelled violent crime rise'
3 January 2018

The researchers said that the best chance of reducing violent crime among migrants was to offer more help with integration through language courses, sport and apprenticeships.

But it said that many male migrants fell into the 14-30 age category, the most likely to commit violent crime.

The lack of women and families among the migrants also meant that those young men were deprived of a "violence-preventing, civilising force", the study said.

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The report suggested more migrants should be reunited with their families
It also said that migrants with little hope of being giving asylum in Germany were much more likely to commit violent crime than those from war zones like Syria whose asylum was guaranteed.

"Anyone who as a war refugee regards their chances of staying in Germany as good, will endeavour not to jeopardise those prospects by criminal offences," the authors of the study said, quoted by Die Welt newspaper.

Reuters news agency quoted criminology expert and study author Christian Pfeiffer as saying: "The situation is completely different for those who find out as soon as they arrive that they are totally undesirable here. No chance of working, of staying here."



