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Liberal democracy has four necessary and sufficient elements

2018年09月27日 03時20分48秒 | Weblog

Larry Diamond of Stanford University has argued that liberal democracy has four necessary and sufficient elements: free and fair elections; active participation of people, as citizens; protection of the civil and human rights of all citizens; and a rule of law that binds all citizens equally. The salient feature of the system is the restraints it imposes on the government and so on the majority: any victory is temporary.

Mr Mounk’s argument, moreover, is that undemocratic liberalism, notably economic liberalism, largely explains the rise of illiberal democracy: “vast swaths of policy have been cordoned off from democratic contestation”. He points to the role of independent central banks and to the way in which trade is governed by international agreements created by secretive negotiations carried out inside remote institutions. In the US, he also notes, unelected courts have decided many controversial social issues. In such areas as taxation, elected representatives retain formal autonomy. But the global mobility of capital restricts the freedom of politicians, reducing the effective differences between established parties of the centre-left and centre-right.

How far does such undemocratic liberalism explain illiberal democracy? The answer is: it does, up to a point.

It is surely true that the liberal economy has not delivered what was hoped, the financial crisis being a particularly severe shock. One aspect of such liberalism — migration — has, as the British writer David Goodhart argues in his book, The Road to Somewhere, persuaded many “people from somewhere” — those anchored to a place — that they are losing their countries to unwelcome outsiders. Moreover, institutions that represented the bulk of ordinary people — trade unions and left-of-centre parties — have ceased to exist or ceased to do their job. Finally, politics has been taken over by “people from anywhere” — the mobile and the highly educated.

A view that the economic dimension of undemocratic liberalism has driven the people towards illiberal democracy is exaggerated. What is true is that poorly managed economic liberalism helped destabilise politics. That helps explain the nationalist backlash in high-income countries. Yet the kind of illiberal democracy we see in Hungary or Poland, which is rooted in their specific histories, is not an inevitable outcome in established democracies. It will be hard for Donald Trump to become a US version of Hungary’s Viktor Orban.

Yet we cannot just ignore the pressures. It is impossible for democracies to ignore widespread public anger and anxiety. Elites must promote a little less liberalism, show a little more respect for the ties binding citizens to one another and pay more tax. The alternative of letting a large part of the population feel disinherited is too dangerous. Is such a rebalancing conceivable? That is the big question.






