Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Almost all American men in his 50s are like Kavanaugh.

2018年09月27日 18時29分26秒 | Weblog
性的暴行で「人生が一変」 米最高裁判事候補を告発の女性
BBC News

Letters: ‘We Don’t Need a Misogynist on the Supreme Court. We Have One in the White House.’
Readers weigh in on the allegations against the Supreme Court nominee.

SEP 26, 2018

I am writing to say that I see myself in her, in Christine Blasey Ford. Nearly the exact same thing happened to me in May 1980 with a boy/man who did not rise to the public stage. I confronted him with his actions in 2010 and he truly did not understand what I was talking about. It was revealing of his character. He is currently a disabled alcoholic who was never able to overcome his dysfunctional family.

Something that was not seen as abnormal cannot be now held up to the scrutiny that this issue is receiving. It’s grossly unfair to Judge Kavanaugh and to the country. We have bigger and broader problems. Furthermore, Judge Kavanaugh is a sitting United States Circuit Judge and deserves our respect for his service. We must ask why would Blasey Ford would come forward now and why publicly?

Additionally, finding a man in his 50s who hasn’t done something similar to what Judge Kavanaugh is accused of doing will be nearly impossible. That doesn’t mean I’m shrugging. It doesn’t mean I’m accepting. It’s simply a fact. The assault on me by the boy from my high school wasn’t the only similar assault that occurred in my life; I experienced five others from age 17 to 30. However, it was the most serious and the most scary. What about Ford? Doesn’t she too have other similar experiences of sexual assault in her young adulthood?




