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2008年06月30日 01時39分00秒 | Weblog
A turning tide?

Jun 26th 2008 | NOGALES
From The Economist print edition(Economist)

Two factors, each as ugly as the other, probably explain the double downturn in flows of people and money: hostility to migrants, especially illegal ones, and America’s deepening economic gloom.
No surprise, then, that p
olls show migrants feel less welcome and more worried by xenophobia.


In Spain some 100,000 migrants were pushed out of their jobs in the year to May: migrants accounted for half of those who joined the Spanish unemployment register in that time. Although the country has not seen any Italian-style xenophobia, the government is now trying to persuade some 20,000 migrants to go home for at least three years, by offering lump-sum advances of unemployment benefits. Spanish officials are also looking for ways to restrict the number of relatives of migrants arriving in the country.

Nor is this only about illegal or low-skilled migrants.For the best educated ones, too, the attractions of working in Britain, for example, may be sliding, with the outflow of foreigners boosting emigration.

East European economies have grown relatively fast in recent years, their labour forces are shrinking fast (partly because of emigration, partly because of ageing populations) and unemployment has dropped quickly in the past half-decade. All this makes it more tempting to stay (or return) home.



