Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年06月30日 08時07分57秒 | Weblog

ミャンマー:米誌タイムを発禁に 高僧を「仏教徒テロ」
毎日新聞 2013年06月27日 17時40分




Burma's Bin Laden, the Buddhist monk who fuels hatred - video

Wirathu calls himself the 'Burmese Bin Laden'. He is a Buddhist monk who is stoking religious hatred across Burma. His paranoia and fear, muddled with racist stereotypes and unfounded rumours, have helped to incite violence and spread misinformation in a nation still stumbling towards democracy. Wirathu speaks to the Guardian at his Masoeyein monastery in Mandalay


Ashin Wirathu: The Monk Behind Burma’s “Buddhist Terror”
By Jonathan DeHart

June 25, 2013

“Muslims are like the African carp,” he told Global Post. “They breed quickly and they are very violent and they eat their own kind. Even though they are minorities here, we are suffering under the burden they bring us.”

This sentiment is not fringe either. As seen by the crowd, which numbered in the thousands, Wirathu has a massive following. Using an intoxicating mix of paranoia, racial stereotyping and unfounded claims, Wirathu has whipped up anti-Muslim sentiment among Burmese Buddhists. He can be seen here speaking at some length in these terms.

An organic movement has formed as a result, which has come to be known as the 969 campaign. While most distance themselves from comparing the two, some have even likened the movement to a Burmese form of neo-Nazism.




