Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The United States speaks one way and acts another 米は言っていることとやっていることがちぐはぐ

2013年09月22日 04時40分41秒 | Weblog
The Realpolitik of the American People
By Zachary Keck

September 14, 2013

“Americans tend to be hostile to realism because it clashes with their basic values…. In particular, realism is at odds with the deep-seated sense of optimism and moralism that pervades much of American society. Liberalism, on the other hand, fits neatly with those values. Not surprisingly, foreign policy discourse in the United States often sounds as if it has been lifted right out of a Liberalism 101 lecture.”

In contrast to Kissinger, however, Mearsheimer argues that liberal discourse notwithstanding, U.S. foreign policy is actually guided by realist logic.

“It should be obvious to intelligent observers,” Mearsheimer writes, “that the United States speaks one way and acts another.” He goes on to contend that while the duplicity of American foreign policy is obvious to foreigners, the American public believes that the U.S. acts based on its moral principles.

The reason for this, according to Mearsheimer, is two-fold. First, in certain cases, such as the Cold War, U.S. values and realism coincide so that while the U.S. is motivated by its national interest, it can reasonably claim to be supporting liberal principles. However, sometimes America’s values and interests do conflict. In these cases, American elites become spin doctors who weave together a liberal, value-based narrative to explain the country’s foreign policy to the public. The American people, in turn, readily accept this narrative “because liberalism is so deeply rooted in their culture.”

While American and Western leaders may be unique in invoking liberalism to sell their foreign policies, they are hardly alone in using moralist arguments over realist ones.

In fact, at least with regards to military interventions, Americans usually seem to reject liberal arguments, and instead are guided primarily by whether America’s security is threatened.

As Samantha Powers, the current UN Ambassador and a leading moral interventionist once wrote: “Few Americans are haunted by the memory of what they did in response to genocide in Rwanda.”

It therefore seems that while U.S. elites may support a liberal foreign policy, the American public is mostly concerned with Realist objectives such as security and the national interest. The duty of American elites then is not to wrap realist policies in liberal narratives, but to convince the American people that supporting a liberal foreign policy is in their national interest.

 これは、ちょっと面白かった記事で、ミアシャイマーなんかは、アメリカの外交政策は、言っていることとやっていることがまるで違う、というのは、外国人にとっては、明々白々、で、タテマエでは、リベラル的道徳主義、やっていることは、国益に基づいたリアリズム政策、というわけですが、記事の作者は、それについて、2点疑義を申し立てていて、一つは、他の国でも、anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism era of humiliation 反帝国主義とか、反植民地主義、屈辱の時代 などといった道義的旗印を掲げて、大衆を扇動する、と。 もう一点は、アメリカ国民は案外、リアリストで、自国の脅威に繋がらないかぎり軍事介入、参戦には反対で、かえって、指導者たちのほうが、リベラルな動機で、行動したがっているのではないか、と。









Rebel vs. Rebel
Syrian jihadi groups are now kidnapping and killing one another. Is this the beginning of an all out war, or an opportunity for the moderates?



Bussiness Week

Obama Should Give Peace a Chance With Iran
By Peter Beinart September 19, 2013

But if Obama wants to stop backsliding into Middle Eastern wars, he must do everything in his power to give negotiations with Iran a chance to succeed.




