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2013年07月23日 18時03分06秒 | Weblog

Survey: People Aren’t Happiest Until They Reach Age 33

By Erin Skarda @ErinLeighSkardaMarch 29, 2012

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/03/29/survey-people-arent-happiest-until-they-reach-age-33/#ixzz2Zq2iqXIT

It’s true: 30 really is the new 20. A study by Friends Reunited, a British social-networking site, found that 70% of respondents over the age of 40 claimed they were not truly happy until they reached 33.

“The age of 33 is enough time to have shaken off childhood naiveté and the wild scheming of teenaged years without losing the energy and enthusiasm of youth,” psychologist Donna Dawson said in the survey’s findings. “By this age innocence has been lost, but our sense of reality is mixed with a strong sense of hope, a ‘can do’ spirit, and a healthy belief in our own talents and abilities.”



Study: 23 and 69 Are the Happiest Ages

In case you hadn't noticed, life is one big roller coaster ride


人生 山あり谷あり、山が二回くるわけだね。

What goes up must come down: after our early twenties, happiness declines on the way to our mid-fifties; then, after cycling back up through our late sixties, it falls again once we reach 75. If you’re having a midlife crisis ― brooding over life choices and unfulfilled ambitions ― buck up, better days are coming: the turnaround point is 55, according to the study, at which point happiness starts climbing once more (though that second harder turnaround after 75 sounds a little ominous).





