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2013年07月01日 20時59分06秒 | Weblog


What really makes us happy? How spending time with your friends is better for you than being with family
Researchers recorded people's moods using an app called Mappiness
Spending time with family makes you less happy then being with friends
Having sex raised moods by an average of 14 per cent
Being sick made people most depressed, reducing mood by 20.4 per cent
PUBLISHED: 13:29 GMT, 30 June 2013 | UPDATED: 00:52 GMT, 1 July 2013

On average, respondents’ moods improved by more than 8 per cent when they were with friends, but this fell to 5.9 per cent when with their partners.
And happiness levels rose by just 1.4 per cent when with their children – less than walking, going to the library and drinking alcohol.
This result was only slightly higher than the 0.7 per cent improvement in mood when they were with clients or customers at work.

The study attempted to record how happy people genuinely feel in specific moments, rather than how they view how happy they were in retrospect, which can be distorted

The activity which makes us happiest is sex, which raised moods by an average of 14 per cent.
Researchers, moreover, believe this to be an understatement because people are unlikely to reach for their phones during the act.
Other activities which rated highly were going to the theatre or a concert, visiting anexhibition, museum or library, sports and gardening.

At the other end of the spectrum, being sick in bed made us most depressed, reducing mood by 20.4 per cent.

Working or studying is also a downer, lowering levels of happiness by 5.4 per cent relative to other activities.
People who work in an office were twice as unhappy as those who work from home and men were found to be less happy at work than women.
Those who are least happy at work are those in long-term relationships, but those with childre were not quite so upset to be away from home and in the office.
Working conditions, of course, vary widely and this was reflected in levels of wellbeing.
People who earned less than £12,000 a year were far happier when at work than those with higher wages.

Shifters who work before 6am, after 6pm or at the weekend were twice as unhappy as those who have more stable hours during the day.

29 June 2013 Last updated at 22:30 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Can we make ourselves happier?
By Pascale Harter
BBC News

"Though it is generally assumed that you need goals to lead a happy life, evidence is mixed. The reason seems to be that unhappy people are more aware of their goals, because they seek to change their life for the better."

But perhaps the most intriguing finding from an array of studies on file at the database is the lack of correlation between seeing meaning in life and being happy.

"Surprisingly I found no correlation," says Professor Veenhoven. Studies suggest leading an active life is the strongest correlate with happiness.

"In order to have a happy life, a rewarding life, you need to be active. So involvement is more important to happiness than meaning in the sense of the why, why we are here."

But the best news on file at the World Happiness Database is that we can make ourselves happier, and not just through external changes like having more money.

"Research has shown that we can make ourselves happier because happiness does change over time," says Professor Veenhoven, "and these changes are not just a matter of better circumstances but of better dealing with life. Elderly people tend to be wiser, and for that reason, happier."

So what should we do to make ourselves happier?

Studies collated by the database say you tend to be happier if you:

Are in a long-term relationship
Are actively engaged in politics
Are active in work and in your free time
Go out for dinner
Have close friendships (though happiness does not increase with the number of friends you have)



安月給(正確には、安年収earned less than £12,000 a yearーー)でも、高給取りより職場では幸福、で、人生にどう対処していくかによって、幸せ度が変わる、というのも面白い。

一番おもしろいのは、振り返ってあるときどの程度幸せだった、と思うか、と ある時点、そのとき、どれくらい幸せと感じているか、は異なり、また、人生に意味を見出しているかどうかと、幸せかどうか、は関係ないというところ。





