Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Press Conference on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday

2013年12月23日 14時11分59秒 | Weblog

Press Conference on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday (2013)

Question 1
As Your Majesty celebrates Your eightieth birthday, sanju, on December 23rd, we will soon be marking a quarter-century since the start of Your era of Heisei. In the course of the Showa era and the current Heisei era, we have lived through a world war, its aftermath and subsequent recovery, numerous natural disasters, and difficult economic times. Your Majesty has also undergone two major surgeries. Looking back on Your eighty years, please tell us about any events that have left special impressions on You, and also, about Your thoughts on turning eighty, and how You would like to lead Your life in the coming years.
Answer 1
Regarding the question on what events have left me with special impressions over the past eighty years, I would say that what stands out most in my mind is the Second World War. Japan was already at war with China by the time I reached school age. The following year, on December 8th, Japan also entered into war with the United States, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, in addition to China. I was in my last year of elementary school when the war ended. About 3.1 million Japanese people are said to have lost their lives in that war. It still pains me deeply to think that so many people, who must have had various dreams and hopes for the future, lost their lives at a young age.

After the war, Japan was occupied by the allied forces, and based on peace and democracy as values to be upheld, established the Constitution of Japan, undertook various reforms and built the foundation of Japan that we know today. I have profound gratitude for the efforts made by the Japanese people at the time who helped reconstruct and improve the country devastated by the war. I also feel that we must not forget the help extended to us in those days by Americans with an understanding of Japan and Japanese culture. Today, more than sixty years since the end of the war, we have seen that, in the face of major disasters such as the Great East Japan Earthquake, there are so many people in Japan who value the bonds between people, can deal with various situations calmly, and work hard towards reconstruction. I have found this most reassuring.

On reaching the age of eighty, I feel fortunate that I am able to lead a life always feeling gratitude to those who have rebuilt Japan and who continue to commit themselves across the nation to the betterment and development of our country in various ways. Having already lived eighty years, I am somewhat perplexed by the question about my life in the coming years, but I would say that, while accepting the limits arising from age, I hope to continue to fulfill my role as best I can.

Over the course of the eighty years of my life, there have been many ties and encounters with various people, starting with Emperor Showa, from all of whom I have learned much, both directly and indirectly. I am indebted to the Imperial Household Agency and the Imperial Guard Headquarters, and I feel grateful that I have been supported by so many sincere and devoted people to this day.

Being an emperor can be a lonely state. But with my marriage, I gained a partner who shares my appreciation for the things that I value. It has given me comfort and joy to have by my side the Empress, who has always respected my position and stood by me, and I feel most fortunate that I have been able to endeavor to carry out my role as Emperor with the Empress by my side.

I shall continue to pray every day for the happiness of the people and carry out my duties for the people.


問1 陛下は傘寿を迎えられ,平成の時代になってまもなく四半世紀が刻まれます。昭和の時代から平成のいままでを顧みると,戦争とその後の復興,多くの災害や厳しい経済情勢などがあり,陛下ご自身の2度の大きな手術もありました。80年の道のりを振り返って特に印象に残っている出来事や,傘寿を迎えられたご感想,そしてこれからの人生をどのように歩もうとされているのかお聞かせ下さい。








