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"You can't be in the shop alone on Sunday, because you have black hair,

2013年07月15日 22時08分04秒 | Weblog
NSU Hit List: Would-Be Neo-Nazi Victims Live in Fear

By Özlem Gezer and Simone Kaiser

They murdered 10 people, but neo-Nazi terrorists of the NSU had their sights set on more. The trial against the cell has begun, but one family whose bakery was cased by the far-right extremists still lives in fear. Their feeling of belonging in Germany has been destroyed.

"They never saw me as a real German."

By "they," Ceylan means the members of the "National Socialist Underground" (NSU), the neo-Nazi terror cell that consisted of Beate Zschäpe, Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt. The two men murdered nine people in broad daylight, simply because they bore foreign names, and Ceylan now knows that her name could just as easily have joined the others on a stone memorial in Nuremberg that commemorates the dead. She thinks often about why she escaped that fate -- and why the others didn't

"You can't be in the shop alone on Sunday, because you have black hair," Ceylan tells her son when he wants to help at the bakery. Nor does she allow anyone to open the shop alone on the early shift. In winter, the bakery is locked from the inside until it's light outside. Even so, Ceylan is convinced that even if the police were to constantly stand guard across the street, no one could protect her and her family. Nor would it help in the least that Ceylan's passport bears Germany's coat of arms, identifying her as a German citizen. "If God wants them to kill us, then no one can save us," she says. 



