Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Patriotism is enough

2017年02月19日 05時02分27秒 | Weblog
(独: Demagog)は、古代ギリシアの煽動的民衆指導者のこと




Everything they assert about the naturalness of nationalism — it arises out of the same soil as love of family, community, church, etc. — is true of patriotism. It’s true, as Lowry and Ponnuru note, that the Left has discredited itself over the years by its hostility to sincere patriotism.

Patriotism is enough — it needs no improving or expanding. Nationalism is something else. It’s hard to think of a nationalist who does not pervert patriotism into something aggressive — either against foreign adversaries or against domestic minorities, or both.

I believe that nationalism is a demagogue’s patriotism. Demagogues of the Right and Left both play upon natural and even benevolent instincts for their own purposes. The Left’s demagogues distort love of justice and equality into a leveling desire to scapegoat others. Bernie Sanders doesn’t just appeal to people’s desire for fairness, he encourages them to believe that they are the victims of the “1 percent,” who are siphoning all of the nation’s wealth for themselves. If you are poor, Sanders claims, it is because someone who is rich has taken your share. Demagogues of the Right — or nationalists — argue that our troubles are the result of immigrants’ taking our jobs or foreigners’ stealing our factories. This is not natural love of home and hearth or reverence for America’s founding ideals; it is scapegoating.




