Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2014年03月14日 21時06分52秒 | Weblog
Democracy Now
Chomsky: From Hiroshima to Fukushima, Vietnam to Fallujah, State Power Ignores Its Massive Harm

NOAM CHOMSKY: Particularly horrifying that this is happening in Japan, with its unique, horrendous experiences with the effect of the nuclear explosions, which we don’t have to discuss. And, of course, it’s particularly horrifying when it’s happening to children, who are defenseless and innocent. But, unfortunately, this is what happens all the time. I mean, I had two daughters about―when they were about the age of your daughter, they would come home from school telling us how in school they were taught to hide under desks in case there was a nuclear war. This was right after the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the world came very close to nuclear war. And children were very upset. I mean, I knew children who were friends of families who were sure they were never going to survive because the world was going to be destroyed by a nuclear war. But the official line was: "Don’t worry; everything is under control." The same was true―again, my daughters, when they were about her age, we stopped feeding them milk, because the scientists, who were concerned, recognized that there was a very high level of strontium-90 in the milk that was coming from atomic explosions the U.S. was carrying out, many open-air explosions. And the government assured everyone that there was no problem, but we just―a lot of people, like us, just stopped feeding the children, gave them only powdered milk, which came from before the explosions.
It happens all the time. So, right now, for example, in Iraq, there is a city, Fallujah, which was attacked by U.S. forces using weapons that no one understands, but they leave a high level of radiation. And there’s studies by Iraqi and American doctors showing a very high level of cancer among children, far higher than before, in the whole neighborhood of Fallujah. But the government denies it. The U.S. government denies it. The Iraqi government doesn’t function. The international organizations refuse to look. So it’s all being carried out by independent organizations and citizens’ groups.
And this is simply everywhere. I mean, in 1961, the United States began chemical warfare in Vietnam, South Vietnam, chemical warfare to destroy crops and livestock. That went on for seven years. The level of poison―they used the most extreme carcinogen known: dioxin. And this went on for years. There’s enormous effects in South Vietnam. There are children today being born in Saigon hospitals, deformed children, and horrible deformations. Government refuses to investigate. They’ve investigated effects on American soldiers, but not on the South Vietnamese. And there’s almost no study of it, except for independent citizens’ groups.

It’s―can add case after case, but it’s a horrifying story, and particularly horrifying for you because you’re suffering from it. But that’s the way governments operate: They protect themselves from their own citizens. Governments regard their own citizens as their main enemy, and they have to be―protect themselves. That’s why you have state secret laws. Citizens are not supposed to know what their government is doing to them. Just to give one final example, when Edward Snowden’s revelations appeared, the head of U.S. intelligence, James Clapper, testified before Congress that no telephone communications of Americans are being monitored. It was an outlandish lie. Lying to Congress is a felony; should go to jail for years. Not a word. Governments are supposed to lie to their citizens.




The orphans of Agent Orange: Fifty years on, children suffer from the horrific effects of America’s use of chemical weapons during the Vietnam War

Photos show orphans suffering from the effects of chemical, Agent Orange
They can be seen battling range of physical deformities and mental disorders
Some have missing or deformed limbs, while others have very curved spines
Several are deaf, blind and mute - and have been bed-ridden for most of lives
Images taken by photographer Matt Lief Anderson at orphanage in Vietnam
U.S. forces sprayed Agent Orange over large areas of jungle during 1960s
One million people believed to have been affected, including 150,000 children
PUBLISHED: 11:33 GMT, 13 March 2014 | UPDATED: 15:40 GMT, 13 March 2014






2014年03月14日 20時47分14秒 | Weblog

Why Is It Hard To Make Western Friends?
by Doug Bernard - Posts (17). Posted Monday, February 24th, 2014 at 3:22 pm

via tepido


THURSDAY, MAR 13, 2014 08:00 AM +0900
Owning my mixed-race identity: Why I don’t have to choose sides
People can't seem to understand that I'm not either black or Anglo-Pakistani, but all of the above


My mother is Anglo-Pakistani and my father is Jamaican (and a quarter Chinese). I grew up with my mother and her family, a chubby, curly-haired, dark-skinned child eating chana masala, aloo paneer and chicken makhani. As a child, I didn’t know I was any different from the rest of my family. But as I grew up, I realized that I was different, because I looked different.






2014年03月14日 20時33分21秒 | Weblog

via Tepido



Ronald Reagan angered his close partner Margaret Thatcher by providing minimal assistance in the Falklands War.




2014年03月14日 20時26分05秒 | Weblog


NRC元委員長の話。オバマが彼をクビにしたのは正解。RT @WSJJapan: フクシマウォッチ:日本は新たな原発事故への準備できているか

2014/03/13 11:24 am




Don't treat people as mere means

2014年03月14日 19時54分18秒 | Weblog

島田 暁


2014/03/13 07:45 by 椿慶子 | 男研究

suzuky ‏@suzuky 10時間

suzuky ‏@suzuky 10時間

suzuky ‏@suzuky 10時間
開く 返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 その他


かつ‐よう〔クワツ‐〕【活用】ツイートする Facebook にシェア

1 物や人の機能・能力を十分に生かして用いること。効果的に利用すること。「学んだ知識を―する」「資料を―する」

かつよう 活用
〈効果的に用いること〉 practical use; application

put [turn] 《knowledge》 to practical use
apply 《scientific discoveries to industrial production》
【形式ばった表現】 utilize 《one's experience》
make good use of 《one's abilities in a job》
make full use of something
make the best use of something
make the most (use) of something.



"act so as to treat people always as ends in themselves, never as mere means"







2014年03月14日 11時05分18秒 | Weblog
Getting Ukraine Wrong

The taproot of the current crisis is NATO expansion and Washington’s commitment to move Ukraine out of Moscow’s orbit and integrate it into the West.

Fast forward to last November, when it seemed that President Viktor F. Yanukovych would sign an agreement with the European Union that was designed to deepen Ukraine’s integration with the West and greatly reduce Moscow’s influence there. Mr. Putin offered Ukraine a better deal in response, which Mr. Yanukovych accepted. That decision led to protests in western Ukraine, where there is strong pro-Western sentiment and much hostility to Moscow.

The Obama administration then made a fatal mistake by backing the protesters, which helped escalate the crisis and eventually led to the toppling of Mr. Yanukovych. A pro-Western government then took over in Kiev. The United States ambassador to Ukraine, who had been encouraging the protesters, proclaimed it “a day for the history books.”

Mr. Putin, of course, didn’t see things that way. He viewed these developments as a direct threat to Russia’s core strategic interests.

Who can blame him? After all, the United States, which has been unable to leave the Cold War behind, has treated Russia as a potential threat since the early 1990s and ignored its protests about NATO’s expansion and its objections to America’s plan to build missile defense systems in Eastern Europe.

After all, the United States is deeply committed to the Monroe Doctrine, which warns other great powers to stay out of the Western Hemisphere.

But few American policymakers are capable of putting themselves in Mr. Putin’s shoes.

Mr. Putin’s view is understandable. Because there is no world government to protect states from one another, major powers are acutely sensitive to threats ― especially near their borders ― and they sometimes act ruthlessly to address potential dangers. International law and human rights concerns take a back seat when vital security issues are at stake.





高濱 賛

 日本では、アメリカを、パパは何でも知っている みたいに、何でも知っているように思っている人がいるようですが、アメリカに資料が存在するからといって、アメリカの政策立案者や執行者が、それを知っているとは限らない。情報が政権に近い人にいっているかどうか、それをちゃんと分析しているかどうかはかなり怪しい。



