Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年12月09日 23時03分30秒 | Weblog

Gangnam Nationalism: Why Psy’s anti-American rap shouldn’t surprise you http://j.mp/U2SfUl

He rapped a song titled “Dear American.” The song is not his – the original is by South Korean metal band N.EX.T – but here are the lyrics, in English and in Korean, in case any readers would like to suggest a better translation:
싸이 rap : 이라크 포로를 고문해 댄 씨발양년놈들과
고문 하라고 시킨 개 씨발 양년놈들에
딸래미 애미 며느리 애비 코쟁이 모두 죽여
아주 천천히 죽여 고통스럽게 죽여
Kill those ―― Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those ―― Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law, and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully


As South Korea continues to rise and build a national sense of itself, it’s not guaranteed that the country will welcome American G.I.s with open arms for all eternity. And it’s not just South Korea; Japanese have been protesting U.S. bases in their country as recently as October, most recently over a soldier’s alleged rape of a local woman. Nationalism in South Korea, or in Japan, could continue to guide policy toward the United States, something that will only become more important as China continues to rise. Psy’s silly tank stunt and shocking rap lyrics aren’t definitive of how South Korea feels toward the United States, but they do represent a very real cultural force that matters for America’s place in the world, whether we want it to or not.


Nye: Beware of ‘populist nationalism

via mozu

NYE: Japanese with whom I speak during my visits really are thinking of moderate positions. But I did not speak with Governor Ishihara or Mayor Hashimoto. The question is whether they will refrain from stirring up populist-nationalism in the context of a competition for political power. Otherwise, among the people I know and speak with, everyone from students, to businessmen, to Diet members, I do not see any signs of a dangerous nationalism at this point. But there are some people who would like to stir up dangerous nationalism.


Shintaro Ishihara, Right-Wing Japanese Politician, Makes Gains


 例えば話、岩波の 世界 が、アメリカの帝国主義的傾向や白人至上主義的傾向についてのパラノイア編集長がいたとして、何十年もそれ関連の記事を書くようなもの。アメリカの国家や、政治家から、帝国主義的な傾向や白人至上主義的傾向を拾うことができないわけではない。しかし、執拗にそればかり取り上げるのは、パラノイア的妄想であろう。

But even if in the likely event that Mr. Ishihara loses, they say, his campaign could still have a lasting effect, bringing patriotic populism into the political mainstream of a nation that has shunned such open jingoism since its devastating defeat in World War II.











そゆことそゆこと。>”敵は圧政・貧困・疫病・戦争”「ケネディの演説。なぜか真逆の意味で引用する片山先生」http://tuchizaki.blog24.fc2.com/blog-entry-183.html …



Yahoo Answerなんかみると、

It means what it says. Dont ask what the country can help you or blame the country, but blame yourselves for what the country has become, and make a better effort to fix it.



The papers quote a Harvard College dean's refrain: 'As has often been said, the youth who loves his Alma Mater will always ask not "what can she do for me?" but "what can I do for her?"'


Actually, Kennedy's quote is a paraphrase of the New Testament of the Bible. Government is not supposed to be in charge or in control of your giving or your desire to help your fellow man. Kennedy, a devout Catholic, was using his Christian teachings in reference to an entire nation. Instead of people wandering around with their hands out looking for the government to do things for them, the should instead consider what they, personally, can do for the individuals in their nation (and the world). The problem comes when people start to think the government should dictate who is helped, how they are helped, and how much of YOUR money is used to help. This automatically negates the concept of sacrificial giving and goes right back to Old Testament times when Jews were required to tithe and required to sacrifice certain animals for certain sins. People lost their love and worship of God, and instead lived in fear of the church leaders. That was why Christ came and said no, you missed the whole point. Kennedy basically wrapped up the New Testament in a nutshell, while leaving out the reference to Christ.

 権威からの命令とか、義務感からでなく、国や社会に対して、キリスト教的な、自己犠牲的な 自発的行動を促している、と解釈するものもいる。

















Pearl Harbor 2.0 http://j.mp/SNFKPs @TIMEさんから タイムにコミンテルン陰謀説
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Pearl Harbor 2.0

By John KosterDec. 07, 2012

Read more: http://nation.time.com/2012/12/07/pearl-harbor-2-0/#ixzz2EZEeRNK2
The NKVD, predecessor of the KGB, knew that a war with the United States would divert Japan from its ambitions in Mongolia and Siberia―threats that tied up 25% of the Red Army―and allow Russia to deploy its full military power against the Germans. Fortunately for Stalin, his intelligence service had an “agent of influence” in Washington perfectly situated to provoke a U.S.-Japanese war―Harry Dexter White, a high-ranking Treasury official.

 Skillfully manipulating Morgenthau and Hornbeck, White was able to turn U.S. policy toward Japan in an increasingly belligerent direction. When FDR almost agreed to relax a U.S. oil embargo in return for Japan’s gradual evacuation of China, White drafted a hysterical letter for Morgenthau’s signature:

To sell China to her enemies for the thirty blood-stained coins of gold, will not only weaken our national policy in Europe as well as the Far East, but will dim the bright luster of America’s world leadership in the great democratic fight against Fascism.

Instead of compromising, the United States demanded that Japan withdraw from China immediately, neutralize Manchuria, and sell three-quarters of its military and naval production to the U.S.

Perceiving the demand as an insult and a threat, the skittish Japanese government concluded that war was inevitable. They moved ahead with a contingency plan for an attack on the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines, and Stalin, thanks to Harry Dexter White, were spared a war on his eastern flank.

White continued to shape U.S. policy to Soviet advantage into the postwar era until the revelations of the communist defectors Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley precipitated his spectacular fall.

この前の、Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath [Hardcover]
George H. Nash (Editor)