Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年12月08日 23時41分46秒 | Weblog
Japanese law reform: balancing old and new
December 7th, 2012
Authors: Kent Anderson, Adelaide University and Yoshiharu Matsuura, Nagoya University

The newly reconstructed Japanese legal system is not just a poor cousin to the US model. Rather, it is a unique Japanese model that is a hybrid to various traditions from across the world.

ユニークとえいば、語弊があるだろうが、しかし、この日本の、a hybrid to various traditions from across the world、という側面はもっと強調されてよい。


「ルーズベルトは狂気の男」 フーバー元大統領が批判
2011.12.7 22:41





同性婚の合憲性、米連邦最高裁で判断へ 是非を初検討


US nuclear test condemned by Iran, Japan
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Published: 08 December, 2012,

The experiment also drew criticism from Japan, with Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui wondering why the Obama administration carried out the test, despite saying he would “seek a nuclear-free world.”
The test proves that the US “could use nuclear weapons anytime,” said Hirotami Yamada, who heads the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Survivors Council.

International inspectors were not allowed to witness the experiment, as Washington has prevented access to its test site since the late 1990s.

米 臨界前核実験を実施
12月7日 12時8分アメリカ政府は、核兵器の性能を維持するためだとして、核爆発を伴わない臨界前核実験を1年10か月ぶりに行ったことを明らかにしました。




Hiroshima mayor condemns US nuclear test

Hirotami Yamada, 81, secretary general of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Survivors Council, said: "It is depressing that the United States cannot understand how atomic bomb survivors feel, despite our repeated protests." theaustralian.com

The test "is proof that the United States could use nuclear weapons anytime. Such a country is not qualified to be a world leader," Yamada said. theaustralian.com
In December 1941, the U.S. government committed to building the world's first nuclear weapon when President Franklin Roosevelt authorized $2 billion in funding for what came to be known as the Manhattan Project. The first nuclear weapon test took place on July 16, 1945, at the Trinity site near Alamogordo, New Mexico. history.com

A few weeks later, on August 6, 1945, with the U.S. at war against Japan, President Harry Truman authorized the dropping of an atomic bomb named Little Boy over Hiroshima, Japan. Three days later, on August 9, a nuclear bomb called Fat Man was dropped over Nagasaki. Two hundred thousand people, according to some estimates, were killed in the attacks on the two cities. history.com

The U.S. is the only country to have used an atomic bomb in war. pbs.org

Between 16 July 1945 and 23 September 1992 the United States of America conducted (by official count) 1,054 nuclear tests, and two nuclear attacks. nuclearweaponarchive.org

In an April 2009 speech, President Obama outlined his vision of a world free of nuclear weapons. Since then, though, the president has taken few steps to implement his objective. On the contrary, his 2010 Nuclear Posture Review, which lays out the role of nuclear weapons in U.S. security strategy, promised to maintain the triad of nuclear weapons favored by every president since Dwight Eisenhower. The Washington Post

「核廃絶期待したのに」 被爆地は落胆の声 米の臨界前核実験
2012.12.7 12:50MSN産経ニュース






「黒い雨」がんリスクに差なし 放影研が解析結果発表








Scared burglar calls 911 for help after confronting gun-wielding victim
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Published: 07 December, 2012


波平さんの毛、また抜かれる サザエさん一家の銅像



2012年12月08日 09時12分15秒 | Weblog
Spain's austerity measures will leave children out of school
By the end of 2016, Spain plans to cut back its aid to 29 of the 50 countries that it currently supports.


2012.12.6 22:14




Louisiana death row inmate freed after 15 years – with a little help from DNA
Damon Thibodeaux has been proved innocent of a crime for which Louisiana has spent 15 years trying to kill him. In his first interview since being freed, he talks to Ed Pilkington
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Ed Pilkington in Minneapolis

The Guardian, Friday 7 December 2012

When he gave them the names of the people he had been with over the previous 24 hours as alibis, the officers said they had talked to the individuals who had denied it. "That felt like I was being abandoned, because they were the only people who could put me in their presence away from the crime scene," Thibodeaux said. The police gave him a lie-detector test. When they returned to the interview room and told him he had failed, he fainted.

Several hours into the interrogation, they delivered the coup de grace: they warned him what would happen if he kept on lying. "They described to me death by lethal injection: organs collapsing, the brain shutting down, extreme pain. That's what they said would happen to me if I didn't give them what they wanted."

He began to confess, repeating details of the crime scene that the detectives had given him. "I'm not the smartest person on the planet, but I was able to figure out how Crystal died and how she was found from what they were telling me. I just put the pieces together and gave them the confession they wanted."

His 15 years on death row opened his eyes, he says. "We tell the world that our system is the best in the world, and it's not." But he says he still supports capital punishment in America for the most heinous cases – with the proviso that the conviction is sound.

冤罪 どこでも似たようなことはあり得る。


 来日アメリカ人のなかには、かつて、植民地 朝鮮に ”指導”に行った日本人のように、自分たちのシステムは最高だ、自分たちに学べ、おまいらのシステムは劣っている、という態度をとる輩が多い。




Russia raps Europe's human rights record
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Published: 07 December, 2012, 13:56
Edited: 07 December, 2012, 17:54

he Foreign Ministry has released a stinging report that says the observance of basic human rights and liberties is becoming an increasingly serious problem in the European Union.
Konstantin Dolgov, the Foreign Ministry's Commissioner for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, presented to Stavros Lambrinidis, European Human Rights Commissioner, a report that details the condition of human rights in the 27 EU countries
"We think it is time our European partners changed the situation and guaranteed the observance of their international obligations," Dolgov told reporters in Brussels on Thursday following the handing over of the document.
The 73-page report was compiled by the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Russia, which is frequently on the receiving end of such reports, made the decision to put together the document in an effort to draw attention to the serious problems that exist in many European countries, the diplomat said.
Dolgov highlighted some of the more common European human rights abuses, including “the non-observance of the rights of minorities and prisoners; inadequate protection of children’s’ rights; and the abuse of power in dispersing street demonstrations."
“Police repression of popular protests continues to go unnoticed in many countries, as social gains are being reversed due to drastic (austerity measures),” he added.
The Foreign Ministry report also drew attention to past revelations that some Eastern European countries cooperated with the CIA in secret ‘black sites’ where the US government detained alleged enemy combatants in the ‘War on Terror.’
An European Parliament report estimated the CIA ran some 1,245 covert flights into Poland and Romania as part of its ‘extraordinary rendition program,’ in which many of the detainees were flown to Guantanamo Bay detention facility.
Some EU countries participated in the CIA program that consisted of the “secret detention, transportation and confinement” of persons suspected of terrorism. This behavior represents “a crude violation of the fundamental obligations to human rights,” Dolgov stressed.
The Russian diplomat also touched upon other disturbing tendencies inside of the European Union, including the rise of “restrictions on media freedoms,” as well as the “encouragement of Nazi ideology” in some countries, specifically the Baltic States, which includes the “simultaneous encroachment on the rights of Russian-speaking people.”


China & India on collision course as oil & gas tension mounts


A naked truth abt your iphone..or iPad..!

Your iPhone was built, In part, By 13 Year- Olds Working 16 Hours a Day for 70 Cents An Hour...!


Black Pete exposes the Netherlands' problem with race
White people dressing up as fools with black faces is not the harmless Christmas fun that the Dutch make it out to be
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Siji Jabbar for This is Africa, part of the Guardian Africa Network
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 5 December 2012 15.23 GMT

私はblack face 自体に問題があるとは思わないが、しかし、

The character must speak poor Dutch with a stupid accent, and must act childlike and mischievous when performing. And from mid-November, when Sintaklass and his servants arrive, you can see Zwarte Pieten all over, on television programmes and commercials and on the streets, acting the fool.



So NiCe mUsT SeE



2012年12月08日 00時49分27秒 | Weblog

阿比留 瑠比


 私は自民党圧勝なんておかしいと思っている。 脱官僚といって民主党が勝利したときの古い自民党から脱皮したと思っていないからだ。

 しかし、「自民党圧勝なら戦争突入」 「軍靴の音が!」式の、旧態依然とした紋切り型の日本の保守に対する的外れな批判は、むしろ、その批判が幼稚であることを暴露する分、野党には不利になると考える。




2012.12.7 07:26


 今回 民主党の失敗はメディアの失敗でもあった。自民党を引き摺り下ろすことに躍起になって、民主党のマニフェストをしっかり吟味すること、あるいは、ディベートなどを通じて、吟味する機会をつくること、を怠った。



Why China May No Longer Be America’s No. 1 Debt Buyer http://j.mp/UJ9Y6V @thedailybeastさんから

But the global economy is a dynamic place. Things change. And today, it’s highly likely that the biggest foreign holder of U.S. debt isn’t the snarling Asian tiger of China. Rather, it’s the wounded, unthreatening kitty cat of Japan.


自殺者 3万人下回る見通し
12月7日 16時34分




Updated December 6, 2012, 7:28 p.m. ET
Students Fall Flat in Vocabulary Test


This can only happen in Japan


Pearl Harbor Day: Japan Attacks U.S. Naval Base
This year marks the 71st anniversary of day that changed America forever.

71 years have passed since the Pearl Harbor attack. Pictured: The wrecks of the USS Downes and USS Cassin are shown after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Dec. 7, 1941. More photos:


Slowing down the surveillance state: a guide to warrantless government spying
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Published: 07 December, 2012, 02:38

“The US government isn’t allowed to wiretap American citizens without a warrant from a judge. But there are plenty of legal ways for law enforcement, from the local sheriff to the FBI, to snoop on the digital trails you create every day,” the site acknowledges. Phone records, location data, IP addresses, emails, text messages and data stores on the cloud can all be collected by the government, ProPublica warns, and some of that can be received with just a simple court order or another easy-to-obtain form.


Pat Down Missed Gun on Handcuffed Texas Teen Who Shot Himself

Dec. 6, 2012

Police are investigating how officers failed to find a gun after searching and handcuffing an agitated Texas high school senior who shot himself in the head while riding in a police car.

警察 失態