Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

ロナルド誘拐? 他

2011年02月05日 18時02分14秒 | Weblog
マクドナルドのロナルド人形“誘拐” ユーチューブに犯行声明


They kidnapped Ronald!
Watch: ‘Terrorists’ kidnap Ronald McDonald statue in Helsinki

By Agence France-Presse
Thursday, February 3rd, 2011


で、こっちはマジな環境テロ 鯨解放軍か?





(2011年2月4日11時32分 読売新聞)


Supermarkets force abattoirs to fit CCTV after secret film exposes abuse
Five outlets act independently of food regulator on basis of animal slaughter footage made public by the Guardian

James Meikle
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 3 February 2011






「モナリザ」は男!? ダビンチと同性愛の弟子との新説


Can Top Gear laugh off its Mexican insults?
'Imagine waking up and remembering you're Mexican,' said presenter Richard Hammond. Imagine if he'd said 'Pakistani'

Rodrigo Camarena
guardian.co.uk, Friday 4 February 2011

While most of the controversy has centred on Russell Hammonds' description of Mexicans as "lazy, feckless, flatulent, [and] overweight", these words on their own aren't exactly "bigoted", "xenophobic" or "racist", as the Mexican ambassador's office declared (pdf). In truth, stereotypes like those used by Hammond are staples of Mexican-produced knick-knacks and the country's pop culture. Similar comments and stereotypes are also ubiquitous in American television programmes and movies. These are not normally met with condemnation from the Mexican government.

Surprisingly, the one comment that did suggest a particular vindictiveness or hatred toward Mexicans was largely ignored. "Imagine waking up and remembering that you're Mexican," said Hammond, making a face of disgust







除雪を始めて数時間後、背後で「ドンドン」という音がして、長沢さんが振り返ると、小学生ぐらいの女の子が窓越しに、「がんばってくれてありがとう☆ おしごとがんばってください☆ ☆みんなより☆」と書いたA4判の手紙を向けていた。女の子は、にこっとほほ笑み、長沢さんも思わず笑顔を返したという。

(2011年2月5日12時55分 読売新聞)


lUFO hovers over Jerusalem shrine


WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets

By Matthew Moore, Gordon Rayner and Christopher Hope 9:25PM GMT 04 Feb 2011
Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.
Defence analysts claim the agreement risks undermining Britain’s policy of refusing to confirm the exact size of its nuclear arsenal.
The fact that the Americans used British nuclear secrets as a bargaining chip also sheds new light on the so-called “special relationship”, which is shown often to be a one-sided affair by US diplomatic communications obtained by the WikiLeaks website.




2011年02月05日 05時08分24秒 | Weblog
アイ・チテル1/2 動画
アイ・チテル1/2 動画


2011-02-05 03:10:21




Mubarak's third force terror tactic
President Mubarak unleashed his 'personal' thugs in a failed attempt to silence protestors seeking an end to his regime.
David Africa Last Modified: 03 Feb 2011

The tactics of deploying so-called third forces is a tried and tested method of autocratic regimes, usually utilised when the regime realises that it is on the strategic defencive politically. The focus of the regime then shifts from merely ruling as usual to extending its reign as long as possible, while at the same time sapping the material and political energy of its opponents.

In South Africa this tactic was intended to legitimise the regime as the only thing standing between an orderly transition to democracy on the one hand, and chaos on the other. At the same time it sought to drain the energy of the liberation movement by killing some of its leaders, forcing it into a defencive mode of thinking and compelling it to accept a compromise favourable to the regime.


2011-02-03 00:50:03


A message to Obama
Egyptian-Americans call on Obama to stand firmly on the side of the Egyptian people.
Karim Haddad Last Modified: 04 Feb 2011

The protesters in Washington want to see an end to US military aid to the Mubarak regime. One of the signs being carried in front of the White House bore the inscription: "Dictator made in the USA."



Violence engulfs Egypt
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Published: 04 February, 2011,

“The requirements for a revolution are that a specific paradigm is put in place of an old paradigm and we don’t know exactly what the people of Egypt are calling for yet,” he said. “We do know that they have grievances. We do know that they are sick of living under the despotic rule of Hosni Mubarak.”


He argued the people are upset, but the real blame falls on international influence from America. American influence and support of the Mubarak government and contribution to the class war in the nation is to blame.



“That might change tomorrow,” Benjamin commented. “I have never seen so many people literally ready to give their lives for this revolution, so they might very well be willing in smaller groups take to the streets and try and move to the presidential palace.”
Being on the ground it is evident the revolution is not easy to control. There is little organization and no clear leader, just a universal cry for greater democracy and the removal of President Mubarak.










It's time for Obama to say Kefaya!
He took the White House armed with hope and promise of change, but has Obama already been beaten down by Washington?
Mark LeVine Last Modified: 25 Jan 2011

Update II (2/2/11): As I write this, the curfew in in Cairo has prevented my flight from arriving there. For the last week President Obama has apparently worked with the leadership of Egypt to formulate a plant to ease Mubarak out while retaining the existing political-military-security structure in place. It must be remembered here that the tanks in Egypt's streets are American made Abrams; the planes that buzzed Tahrir square are paid for by American tax dollars. The newly appointed Vice President, Omar Suleiman, isn't just the former intelligence chief, but is someone who personally supervised the detention and torture of victims of CIA-rendition. He is, as much as Mubarak, "America's man."




Police brutality or sacrifices for security?
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Published: 04 February, 2011

The police have an increasing a rocky relationship with the people they are supposed to serve and protect. When news broke in the early 1990s that a political activist named Rodney King had been brutally beaten by police, people began to question the aggressive tactics used by authorities.
After surveying many Americans, a few facts become clear. While most people don’t seem to feel threatened when police are in plain view, most everyone agreed on one simple fact: police use excessive force far more than is necessary.


不必要な暴力を行使しているのではないか、と。(Police brutality)

Caught on Tape: Cops Kicking Teen
Surveillance video shows Houston police beating teenage burglary suspect.


American cities go bust!
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Published: 04 February, 2011

Overdrawn US cities could face financial collapse in 2011, defaulting on hundreds of billions of dollars of borrowings and derailing the US economic recovery.
But as cities are choosing between devastation and default, analysts say really it’s about the fall of American cities and the coming collapse of the Union.
It’s the reality America cannot escape, news of debt cash-strapped cities and states all over the country. All together it could amount to two trillion dollars and a bill many of them may not be able to pay.
“The problem of the state and local debt is more serious than the real estate bubble,” said Michael Hudson, Wall Street analyst and professor of economics at the University of Missouri.
Serious because with millions of Americans still unemployed and losing their homes, there isn't enough taxpayer money to pay creditors. Local governments which aren't allowed to operate in the red must come up with the cash. This means some may be choosing between default and devastation.
“I think most cities will be able to avoid default by cutting services,” said Joe Weisenthal, deputy editor at The Business Insider.
Cities and states coast-to-coast seem to be trying the latter route and the toll it's taking on the streets of America is undeniable.
Camden, New Jersey is the second most dangerous city in the country. You didn't see many cops on the streets to begin with and now you may rarely see any. The city's had to lay off nearly half of their police force.
In Detroit a city where people have been too broke to bury their dead, the city is too broke to repair dying infrastructure, to fix roads or lights.
In the desert state of Arizona, cuts have been a matter of life and death. Organ transplant patients have died since the state cut funding for the victims.
In New York City huge piles of uncollected garbage are the alleged result of budget cuts.
“There isn’t enough wasteful spending to cut you do have to cut services people depend on,” Weisenthal pointed out.
Analysts say the slashing will amount to an increase in unemployment and a lowering of wages dragging more Americans down and the economy with it. Meanwhile, they say the prospect of bankruptcies threaten the pensions of public workers and may cause a run on municipal bonds.
Either scenario seems to be causing a widespread decline in the American city, once relegated to ancient history.
"It's a feedback toward economic shrinking, downsizing, and de-urbanization,” Hudson predicted. “Exactly the same thing happened in the Roman Empire when in the end Rome was left almost a deserted city and all of the production shifted back onto the land. That's what you’re faced with here although the land on this case will be abroad rather than in the United States."
Investment that flees to other countries threatening to take with it the American dream.
Richard Wolff, a professor of economics emeritus at the University of Massachusetts explained people without jobs, without secure income, impact city taxation because people spend much less bringing in less revenue to cities.




EDL protest attracts European far-right activists
Matthew Taylor and Rowenna Davis
guardian.co.uk, Friday 4 February 2011

UK-based members will be joined by activists from recently formed copycat "defence leagues" in Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands – as well as supporters of more established far-right groups from France, Germany and Denmark.

"The significance of the EDL marching in Luton extends way beyond our shores," said Lowles. "Across Europe and in North America anti-Islamic groups are watching the EDL with interest, increasingly copying their tactics, even replicating their name. The attendance of so many international supporters is testament to the EDL's role in the international anti-Islam movement."

"For some of the young people I work with the EDL are very appealing – people like street cred. When you're young you want people to respect you and this is one way of gaining respect. There are some kids who are being manipulated – they think they're the big guns."

Sam Adofo, the director of the Salmon youth centre in Southwark, south London, echoed this view.

"People who say the EDL are stupid are naive ... The way they are targeting youth now is extremely strategic, and it's working for them. They've tried to be inclusive and add young people to the whole idea of what it is … The techniques they are using are the basics – interacting with the working class, meeting in the pub, watching the games. It gives young people a sense of belonging that is key."



自民、石原氏4選に動く 都知事選「今から探せない」


