Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2008年05月24日 20時15分35秒 | Weblog

琴欧洲の話 言葉出ないです。うれしいです。やっと(優勝を)つかみました。(負けた)昨日のこと忘れて、自分の相撲を取りきる、それだけです。本当に感動しました。何回もひざを痛めて苦しかった。今場所は状態が良かった。皆さんのお陰です。



2008年05月24日 19時07分07秒 | Weblog

Racist war of the loyalist street gangs

Orchestrated attacks on minorities raise fears of ethnic cleansing
(# The Guardian,
# Saturday January 10 2004)


the Ku Klux Klan graffiti and the "Chinks out" notices scratched outside south Belfast Chinese takeaways, Hua Long Lin was at home watching television when a man burst in and smashed a brick into his face. His wife, also in the room, was eight months pregnant. The couple had moved into the terrace two weeks before.

Neighbours expressed regret but one white family told a community worker they couldn't offer a Chinese family friendship in public or they would be "bricked" too.

"It's like Nazi Germany," they explained.

Northern Ireland, which is 99% white, is fast becoming the race-hate capital of Europe. It holds the UK's record for the highest rate of racist attacks: spitting and stoning in the street, human excrement on doorsteps, swastikas on walls, pipe bombs, arson, the ransacking of houses with baseball bats and crow bars, and white supremacist leaflets nailed to front doors.

Over 200 incidents were reported to police in the past nine months, although many victims don't bother complaining any more.

But in the past weeks, fear has deepened. Protestant working-class neighbourhoods are showing a pattern of orchestrated house attacks aimed at "ethnically cleansing" minority groups.

It is happening in streets run by loyalist paramilitaries, where every Chinese takeaway owner already pays protection money and racists have plentiful access to guns. The spectre of Catholics being systematically burnt out of similar areas during the Troubles hangs in the air.

So-called peace walls between Protestant and Catholic communities are graffitied with swastikas and signs that read "keep the streets white".

Both local unionists and Sinn Féin warned this week that someone is likely to be killed or burned alive in their home if the campaign does not stop. But there are no signs of it abating.


Many elderly Chinese people do not now leave their homes after 3pm. The best they can hope for is an egg or ice-cream cone thrown in their face or their shopping bags stolen.
This week, in the shadow of a paramilitary mural, a six-foot plank was hurled through the front window of the home of a Pakistani woman who was eight months pregnant. The spot where she and her brother-in-law had eaten dinner 20 minutes before was sprayed with glass. They had moved into the house 12 hours earlier.


One local estate agent said yesterday that he had been visited by a group he thought were paramilitaries telling him not to rent another house to "Chinese, blacks or Asians". Ten of his tenants were forced out last year.


まあ、まだまだ、あるが、すごすぎる。知らなかった。_| ̄|○

北アイルランド出身のE.P Lowe さんもちゃんとおしてくれればよかったのに!!! 日本をこんな地獄のような世界にしたくない・・・と。かなり説得力高まったと思うがね。

アイルランド 売春婦9割は外人


2008年05月24日 18時12分25秒 | Weblog


アイルランド 売春婦9割は外人

Debito君ブログ 日本人は論理能力欠落

2008年05月24日 14時49分24秒 | Weblog
3 James Says:
May 24th, 2008 at 2:00 pm

I often found Japanese have pretty poor logic and critical thinking skills. Each time they can’t come up with a logical explanation, they will attributed to culture, tradition, custom, habit, etc.Debito





2008年05月24日 14時15分19秒 | Weblog
Murals of Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast media


Fear remains over Limerick regeneration in North Tipperary

アイルランド 売春婦9割は外人

米 加州 大量の不法移民逮捕

2008年05月24日 10時37分13秒 | Weblog
Immigration Officials Arrest 905 in California Sweep(New York Times
According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 25.7 percent of those caught in the sweeps had been convicted of crimes while in the country


Shame on Scotland !!

2008年05月24日 08時25分44秒 | Weblog
You tube
Nakamura ate my dog
Nakamura ate my dog
Nakamura ate my do in


と「人種差別」を批判していた中村選手。残念ながら、差別的な大合唱や横断幕でのアピールは、スコットランドを含む欧州で露骨に蔓延している。Jcast news 2008/5/23

Celtic fans have been getting agitated about a banner brandished by Rangers fans bearing the legend 'Nakamura Ate My Dog'.
# Technology only fans the flames of controversy
# Scottish fans' forum

Such faux outrage might have been more credible had the Japanese midfielder not been greeted on his early appearances at Celtic Park by the chorus: 'He eats Chow Mein and he votes Sinn Fein'.

Dog, of course, is a Korean staple - at least, it was in more impoverished times - and the consequence of poor agricultural soil, although a recent survey revealed that seven per cent of Japanese respondents admitted to eating dog food, albeit a top-end brand associated with the British Royal Family.

For those who prize accuracy in banners of welcome or insult, we offer a brief guide to some of the world's more exotic delicacies, for use whenever an appropriate player arrives at a football ground near you.Telegraph

Shame on Telegraph.
Which Japanese respondents admitted to eating dog food!!



2008年05月24日 00時01分01秒 | Weblog
Police brutality

In a 1999 report, Amnesty International said it had "documented patterns of ill-treatment across the U.S., including police beatings, unjustified shootings and the use of dangerous restraint techniques."[69] According to a 1998 Human Rights Watch report, incidents of police use of excessive force had occurred in cities throughout the U.S., and this behavior goes largely unchecked.[70] An article in USA Today reports that in 2006, 96% of cases referred to the U.S. Justice Department for prosecution by investigative agencies were declined. In 2005, 98% were declined.[71] In 2001, the New York Times reported that the U.S. government is unable or unwilling to collect statistics showing the precise number of people killed by the police or the prevalence of the use of excessive force.[72] Since 1999, at least 148 people have died in the United States and Canada after being shocked with Tasers by police officers, according to a 2005 ACLU report.[73]Human rights in the United States/wiki

知りませんでした。_| ̄|○ スーパーマン有道くんもTPRくんも教えてくれなかった。