色々と戦う。 Fighting with stuff

2010-12-22 | Things I look up to- Quotes
I hadn't written my blog for over a week, because I got sick!!!
I was in bed for more than 3 days, even after i got back to work I was still sick and my body was suffering from pain. it started from noro virus but it wasn't as bad symptoms as everyone else talks about- i just had my stomach ache which is such an annoying pain- Very uncomfortable, its almost like you are hungry all the time.
so you wanna eat something, but even if you eat something, you arent sartisfield of happy, you still have that uncomfortable feeling inside... so you stop eating, and lay down, then feels a bit better.
I had been checking my weight every day and i had lost 3kg since November 11th. So its about 5 weeks :>
Being healthy doesnt mean lose weight and be skinny- but i really wanna be comfortable about myself, and it feels night to see my belly not sticking out or pants getting a little losse on my thigh!!!
So im hoping i will lose 3 more in a nother 5 weeks-! That would be so so so awesome!

i never thanked this much for "UDON"- which i was sick I couldnt really eat anything BUT Udon....
especially Kitsune Udon (kitsune means FOX but it is really a Fried Tofu with sweet soy sauce taste).

I really hate to be sick ( who doesnt?) Even though I got sick many times and i kow pretty much how to handle when you are sick... but i guess as you get older, thats the worst thing you can get- any virus you get in your body must come out of your body somehow!! So it takes time to release it , so you need good rest and Vitamins, and other nutrients...

OK, enough about medical talk today. Im going to bed! GOOD NIGHT!


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get well soon! (chuchuchie)
2010-12-22 22:31:52
with the crazy weather lately, i'm not surprised that you got sick from something. it's been hot and cold, hot and cold this past week and a lot of my kids have gotten sick. Kay got sick a couple of weeks ago, but she's better now.

rest up, drink lots of fluids, and hope you get better soon! :)
Unknown (émily)
2011-01-01 02:55:54
I hope you are fine now, have a nice last day of 2010 and if I'm late, happy new year!!!