Popuar Names 2010

2010-12-03 | My roots

BOYS                     GIRLS

1. Haruto        1. Mei

2.Yuto                         2. Yui

3.Yuma                     3.Rio5.Taiga                      5.Sara

6.Souta                     6.Riko8.Riku                       8.Saki

7.Soma                    7.Haruka


9.Haruki                    9.Hina

10.Kotaro                 10.Momoka


This is the popular name ranking by Phoneticly (The sounds of the name is popular)

Here are the ranking for the Kanji(charactors) and the meaning.


1位 大翔  ヒロト、ハルト、ヤマト、タイガ、ソラなど
2位 悠真 ユウマ、ハルマ、ユウシンなど
3位 翔   ショウ、カケル、ソラ
4位 颯太  ソウタ
4位 歩夢  アユム
6位 颯真   ソウマ、フウマ
6位 蒼空   ソラ、ソア
6位 優斗   ユウト、ヒロト
9位 大雅   タイガ
9位 颯    ハヤテ、ソウ、ソラ

I notice there are a lot of Kanji charactors to do with nature, like

 風=wind 羽=wing, fly 空=sky 蒼= blue  and

                          大=big 歩=steap forward, walk 優=generous, kind


1位 さくら      サクラ
2位 陽菜      ヒナ、ハルナ、ヒナタ、ヒナノ
2位 結愛      ユア、ユナ、ユメ
2位 莉子      リコ
5位 美桜      ミオ、ミオウ、ミユ
6位 美羽      ミウ、ミハネ、ミユ
7位 葵         アオイ
7位 結衣       ユイ

9位 美咲       ミサキ
9位 結菜       ユナ、ユイナ、ユウナ

for girls, popular kanjis and meanings are...

美(prononced "Mi")=beautiful

結(pronunced "yu")=join, connect


but im realy surprised the hiragana name is ranked NO.1!!!!! HOORAY! for Hiragana!

my name is あずさ hiragana! hehehehe!! i feel kinda proud :>





4.Yuki                        4.Yuna


What does mommy want?

2010-12-03 | Most important- Education

Me " So let's make OUR VERY OWN LIST for Christmas! We have 7 pages, so you can write 7 things you wanna ask for Santa, and here are pretty colored and patterned origami papers and wrappers so you can cut and glue them if you like, or you can draw on your own."

and children work on their project... after about 20 min.

one boy says " I have one more page left"

Me " Ok, so what do you want?"

he " what do YOU want Azusa?"

Me" me? I already wrote down 7 things i want, you can ask for one more."

He" Its okay, i will ask him what you want."  SWEET

Me " Thats so sweet of you, but maybe you could ask one for your mom and dad?"

He" oh yah, ok!! she likes... Kimchi (Korean Style Pickled cabbage)!"

Me"ah.. Kimchi? you wanna get her Kimchi for christmas? ok, but what about something pretty? u know, women loooooove pretty things for christmas.."

Another girl (7) " Yah! like necklace, or bracelet, or ring!"

He " uh... okay..."

She " wait! i will just go and ask!" And she goes and ask his mom (she is also a teacher- my boss :)

and she comes back and says " She said she likes CHICKEN. and Cake for dad."

So FOOD beat  my idea "girls love pretty things for Christmas"- but i thought Kimchi! was a cute answer. Kids know what their mommy like!!!!!!

Snack time on my day off- Aomori Apple Denish from 神戸屋 KOBEYA- Bakery

2010-12-03 | My roots

Kobeya is one of my favorite bakery  神戸屋(梅田駅前店)

I have worked in bakery called "Henzel" which is also in Umeda (hanshin Department Store) the scale of the company is nothing compared to Kobeya...but i love their bread and coziness-and the price is awesome!!!-  this one, Kobeya- its a little pricer .... but but but but they have the best denish!! In Umeda station they always give you free tasting of different flavored pastories and bread, cake, etc... and Im not a big fan of sweets- but, when it smells SO good - plus you are just waiting for someone, cause, its in the station, you have a good excuse to get a piece of bread! OK, enough of my stupid excuse, so I tried tasting


Aomori Apple Denish

YUMMY-!!!!! :)

Now off to the Post Office :>