PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~


Friendship on Christmas ~ もうひとつのクリスマス ~

2008年12月09日 01時13分10秒 | Weblog
Santa Claus got off a sled and went to distribute presents. 

After a while, snowman said
" You can travel all over the world, and I'm enviable. "

Reindeer said
" We are reindeers not chosen for breeding. "

" For breeding ? "

" Male chosen for breeding can make 50 lovers. "

"50 lovers!!"

" When a breeding season ends, their horns are missing, and the weight decreases sharply."

" Dreadful !Did you want to be chosen? "

"Hehehe♪But I made friends with you."

"Thank you very much. I'll tell you the location of the white birch woods."

Santa Claus who heard conversation of 2 at the back of the house
returned and went into the house to have a second helping of hot wine.

                                  Please deepen friendship on Christmas
                                  Please deepen friendship on Christmas
