PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~



2008年12月01日 01時04分02秒 | Weblog
I'm a snow man in a vacant lot                     (ボクは空き地の雪だるま)
A boy makes me big every day           (少年が毎日ボクを大きくしてくれるんだ~)
Attaching snow to me steadily                     (どんどん雪をくっつけて。)
So I am already taller than him              (だから、もうボクは彼より背が高いよ)
He tells anything to me                     (少年はボクに何でも話してくれる)
Having forgotten homework                           (宿題を忘れたこと)
Having been scolded by mommy                     (お母さんに叱られたこと)
About a pretty girl and                           (可愛い女の子のことや)
About his good friend having been hospitalized      (仲良しの友達が入院しちゃったこと)
He said
" I make you greatly so as to see it from that hospital ! "
                                      I thought
                                      " Yikes !!! It's such far !!!!! "
I'm a snowman which is due to become              (ボクは有名なテレビ塔よりも)
Taller than a famous tv tower                    (大きくなる予定の雪だるま)
All snow in this state belongs to me               (この州の雪は全部ボクのもの)
Boy's step becomes high rapidly                (少年の踏み台も益々高くなるよ)

He tells anything to me                     (少年はボクに何でも話してくれる)
Another friend he invited here                      (ここへ誘った別の友達が)
did not achieve the promise                   (その約束を果たさなかったこと)

About a pretty girl and                           (可愛い女の子のことや)
Wanting to go to see the hospitalized friend       (入院した友達に会いに行きたいこと)
He said
" Therefore I help grandfather and must get money l ! "
    " It's sometimes that I come here after tomorrow......"
          " I will buy a lot of carrots and the charcoal for your face. "
                                I thought
                                " Yes, My eyes and the nose are small,
                                       and there is not a mouth "
I'm a snowman that will get a big face      (ボクは大きな顔をゲットする予定の雪だるま)
It's only 1st I'm excited and waited            (ワクワクして待っていたのは初日だけ)
The boy has not come here recently                 (少年は最近ここへ来ないよ)
I've become small a little by sunshine          (ボクはサンシャインで少し小さくなった)
Wanna tell anything to him                          (彼に何でも話したいよ)
Having watched a shooting star                          (流れ星を見たこと)
Birds came over, and having sung                (鳥がやって来て唄ってくれたこと)
My eyes having disappeared                     (ボクの目が取れちゃったこと)
About the other boys who boot me every day     (毎日ボクを蹴飛ばす少年達について)
                    I hope your life is going OK, boy !
