English for apes

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2023-03-13 21:38:17 | Reading - not classified
Lineker逆転勝ちでした!スコアで言えばMOTD/MOTD2解説者チーム 2 - 1 BBC上層部みたいな感じ。

Gary Lineker to return to Match of the Day as BBC announces social media review
ここの90secondsのビデオに'bring back Gary Lineker'が出てきました!通行人はカットされてますが。

When he refused to do so, he was taken off air, triggering an unprecedented wave of walkouts from fellow pundits and commentators.
あああー基本単語でしたー。precedent > unprecedented > unprecedentedly
"It's heart-warming to have seen the empathy towards their plight from so many of you.
"Between now and the report Gary will abide by the editorial guidelines, that's where we are.
これもー。comply with

BBC DGは経費をカットすれば自分の報酬が上がりますからね。Linekerを切りたくてしょうがなかったんでしょうね。

Gary Lineker row: BBC wants to 'pick and choose' when it should be impartial - John Barnes
John Barnesすげー。です。コメントに上がっている反応しか出てこない。
well said, well spoken, well put, nail it, nail the issue/situation, spot on, talk sense,,,

in terms of impartiality I don't know when the BBC have ever been impartial in fact BBC's reporting on Qatar WC was anything but impartial

no one's now talking about real issues you know because this really is just a sideshow and it's inconsequential and meaningless

if you like cross the invisible picket line you've got the DG BBC apologising where does this go

the profile of the BBC will be raised that they'll do the right thing and it will be the status quo will resume very shortly with everybody being happy.
raise the profile < high profile
status quoっていっているように聞こえるけどーCCが間違ってるー。答えあわせができないー。

George Orwellの小説での希望はプロール。スポーツの力を見直しましたー。

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