May take C1Advanced test until 2025


hot spot

2024-06-01 21:55:20 | Vocab - local
It's not difficult to grasp the outline of the article by skimming, but it takes time to look up words in dictionary.

Fly-tippers to get points on driving licence, Tories promise

words - a lot of B2 phrasal verbs

[quote] people are being let off scot-free up and down the country[unquote]
scot-free [Collins]If you say that someone got away scot-free, you are emphasizing that they escaped punishment for something that you believe they should have been punished for.
let off [Collins](B2)If you let someone off, you give them a lighter punishment than they expect or no punishment at all.
up and down [Collins](B2)If you move up and down somewhere, you move there repeatedly in one direction and then in the opposite direction.

[quote]The Conservatives have had years to get tough on fly-tippers and litterers but have failed at every turn.[unquote]
get through [Collins](B2)If you get through a task or an amount of work, especially when it is difficult, you complete it.
at every turn [Collins]If you say that something happens at every turn, you are emphasizing that it happens frequently or all the time, usually so that it prevents you from achieving what you want.

[quote] a Labour government would put 13,000 more neighbourhood police and PCSOs back on the beat, crack down on "those who cause havoc on our high streets"[unquote]
put back[Collins](B2)To put something back means to delay it or arrange for it to happen later than you previously planned.
PCSO - Police Community Support Officer
on the beat [Collins]A police officer on the beat is on duty, walking around the area for which he or she is responsible.
crack down on

hot-spot/hot spot/hotspot
[Collins]You can refer to an area where there is fighting, serious political trouble, or an outbreak of a disease as a hot spot.

frequently appearing
vandal > vandalism

Tory government doesn't spend money for local communities.


2024-06-01 11:40:17 | Vocab - local
At first sight, the article is an easy short reading, but it contains interesting words.

No D-Day flights for WW2 planes after fatal crash

Sqn abbreviation for squadron
Ldr abbreviation for leader
Mayday [quote]It is understood he issued a Mayday call soon after take off and the spitfire was seen turning just before it plunged toward the ground[unquote]
epitome (pronunciation) ep-I-to-mee / the epitome of
personified < personify

I mixed up Mayday and May Day.
May Day always reminds me this incredibly intriguing video. It's awful 80's pop music, though.
The Safety Dance
The video is very England, but the musicians are Canadian. I found the wiki is interesting.

The article is about a death of a pilot, but I couldn't stop thinking about the dancing video.
[quote]His family described how he "lived his life with an unwavering passion with laughter, love and dedication".[unquote]
passion with laughter... He seemed a humorous guy. R.I.P.


2024-05-31 00:41:17 | Vocab - local
Another critical fault of IT systems has echoes of PostOffice.
I'm afraid that the IT systems has been developed by Fujitsu... Aw, It's Oracle. Oracle Cerner.

NHS computer issues linked to patient harm
It's really important article but no words apart from technical one...

Freedom of Information : FOI
rock [Cambridge]If someone is your rock, you feel that you can depend on them and that they will always support you.
sickle cell disease
cerebral palsy (CP)
acute hospital < acute care
The Royal College of GPs
jigsaw[Collins]You can describe a complicated situation as a jigsaw
echo of [quote]He also believes there are echoes of the Horizon scandal at the Post Office.[unquote]
[Collins]A detail or feature which reminds you of something else can be referred to as an echo.
A&E accident and emergency
pulmonary embolism

I don't want to let the government connect my personal medical history to My Number in the government IT systems.
[quote]Introducing computerised records and making the NHS paperless is a government priority in England. [unquote]
[quote]“It’s not safe. It’s really not safe."[unquote]


2024-05-29 00:52:12 | Vocab - local
I read the article because it was happened in Richmond. It looks there is one luxury men's watch shop in Kew Road, but it's hidden. I didn't know it.

Girlfriend pays emotional tribute to watch dealer robbery victim found dead

He died several hours after the assault...

next of kin
homicide <>suicide
Flying Squad
speak to [Collins]To speak to an issue or question is to speak about it or comment on it with knowledge and authority

I wonder if Sir David and Rick Astley live near the shop or broader Richmond where is well-known for celebrities.


2024-05-26 23:37:35 | Vocab - local
Gordon Ramsay is absolutely right. I don't like the style of nouveau riche at traditional places.

Gordon Ramsay forced to tell diners to 'avoid shorts, tracksuits and hoodies' at flagship Chelsea restaurant

useful words I should master
toughen up - means the same as toughen
prominently [quote]features prominently on the restaurant’s website[unquote]
embodiment < embody
lofty - loftier - loftiest
office block

food etc.
Menu Prestige
chef’s table
culinary academy
22 Bishopsgate

Restaurant's words are useful for learning variation on expression.


toe the line

2024-04-20 12:53:16 | Vocab - local
This is very Orwellian. We are just guinea pigs. I feel I'm just lucky to be alive.

Infected blood scandal: Children were used as 'guinea pigs' in clinical trials

medical words
haemophilia - haemophilia centres - United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organisation UKHCDO
Hep C - hepatitis C - the potentially lethal viral infection hepatitis C
plasma [Collins]Plasma is the clear liquid part of blood which contains the blood cells.
cirrhosis - pronunciation
heat-treated Factor VIII / heat treatment
prophylaxis - This was preventative treatment, know as prophylaxis
von Willebrand's disease

administer [Collins]If a doctor or a nurse administers a drug, they give it to a patient.
contracted [Collins]If you contract a serious illness, you become ill with it.

cohort [Collins]A cohort of people is a group who have something in common. Cohort is used especially when a group is being looked at as a whole for statistical purposes.
[quote]Their doctor used his "unique" cohort of boys for extensive clinical trials.
riddled [Collins]If something is riddled with undesirable qualities or features, it is full of them.
plethora [Collins]A plethora of something is a large amount of it, especially an amount of it that is greater than you need, want, or can cope with.
[quote]There was a plethora of studies that we were all enrolled on for the decade we were at the school.
saline [Collins]A saline substance or liquid contains salt.
short window < window of opportunity
toe the line [quote]It would have meant their trials would have been flawed and so we, us kids, were made to toe the line.
infectiousness < infectious

I wondered why the "PUPs" or the "lab rats" were boys at first, but haemophilia is inherited genetic disorder and most commonly found in men.
The contaminated blood scandal in Japan was caused non-heat-treated blood products. This case was experiment of heat treatment.

This song was playing in my head while reading the article. We are the pigs. We are the guinea pigs.
The Butler's guitar and the music video are brilliant.

firing line [quote]We are the stars of the firing line
deceit [quote]But deceit can't save you


2024-04-18 23:00:54 | Vocab - local
This article reminds me Ken Loach's films. It's sad to know about poor people.

Record 3.7m workers in England will have major illness by 2040, study finds

record (adj)
[Collins]You use record to say that something is higher, lower, better, or worse than has ever been achieved before.
Profits were at record levels. She won the race in record time.
deprived - [quote]Harehills, one of the most deprived areas of Leeds
deprivation -[quote] linked to geographical data to estimate the difference in diagnosed illness by level of deprivation
mortality - [quote]substantial risk of mortality, examined 1.7m GP and hospital records, alongside mortality data
arm - [Collins]An arm of an organization is a section of it that operates in a particular country or that deals with a particular activity.
ill health - [quote]They then projected how levels of ill health are predicted to change
life expectancy - [Collins]the statistically determined average number of years of life remaining after a specified age for a given group of individuals
develop - [Collins]If you develop an illness, or if it develops, you become affected by it.
prevalence < prevalent [quote]prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is four times more common in the most deprived areas than the leas
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
thrive - [quote]A healthy workforce is the backbone of any thriving economy
set to - [quote]the number of working-age people living with major illness is set to increase
potential - [quote]everyone can reach their full potential

UK or England-Wales government words
Health Foundation - The Health Foundation
Office for National Statistics - ONS
Economic inactivity - [ONS]People not in employment who have not been seeking work within the last 4 weeks and/or are unable to start work within the next 2 weeks
whole-government approach - Whole-of-government approach (WGA). - cross-government approach
NHS Providers
TUC - Trades Union Congress
Department of Health and Social Care
Back to Work Plan

Realistically speaking, it's not easy to interact with them. I always keep away from deprived areas in the UK, but I often get lost and stray into such areas. I found fly-tipping as the photo in the article in such areas.
I even stay away from certain areas in Tokyo such as the edge of Yoyogi park. I cannot be friendly to them...


2024-04-17 01:46:47 | Vocab - local
I'm extremely busy and no time for long articles. This is very easy to read, but I still don't remember some basic daily words.

Riccall: Girl, six, wakes sleeping family during home blaze

hail - A six-year-old girl hailed a hero
immensely - She was immensely brave
adjoin - the adjoining house
go off - our smoke alarms didn't go off
hardwire [Collins]to join (electrical parts) permanently
I think this is the second time to pick "attend blaze" but I couldn't find it in my blog.
[quote]Four fire engines attended the blaze at the semi-detached property[unquote]

badder is six-year old children's word - don't use it
[quote]I was getting a bit upset, because it was getting badder[unquote] I was getting,, it was getting..

It's surprising that BBC interviewed, not AP, for such a small news.


2024-02-23 19:11:27 | Vocab - local
I didn't know about the history of BT Tower which will be transformed into a luxury hotel.

‘I looked out and gasped’: BT Tower visitors reminisce over London landmark


BT Tower is listed Grade II. According to Wiki, there are Grade I, Grade II* and Grade II.

Tokyo Tower, built in 1958, is older than BT Tower, built in 1964. Tokyo Tower,332.9 meters, is also taller BT,189 m.
My parents took me to Tokyo Tower when I was really small, but I didn't impressed by the view, but I haven't been Acrophobia.
The tallest building which I had experienced was Tokyo Skytree, 634 meters I think the second tallest experience was Sears Tower, now Willis Tower which is 527 m. I never been to the top of The Shard,309.6 metres, yet.

I'm expecting the nostalgic revolving top restaurant in the new hotel.

to the letter

2024-02-02 23:14:10 | Vocab - local
Finally. I'd been waited the murderers to be named. The sentence is still going on.
BBC has started to publish many articles and radio programmes. I'm going to read and listen to all.

This article summarises the murder and the murderers.
Brianna Ghey’s teenage murderers named before sentencing

administer - administered stab wounds
edibles (noun)
befriend (verb)
nonce (slang)
meticulously < meticulous
to the letter
shite (informal)
lad (informal)
confront with
evidence against
joint enterprise murder
warp - two warped individuals
dispensation - special dispensation

It is new - they poisoned Brianna. The girl had a boyfriend. The two teenagers have disorders.
It sounds the girl tells lies. They are immature to blame each other. I'd say they are not regenerable because they are not normal.

Aw, it's minimum 22 and 20 years...