May take C1Advanced test until 2025



2024-07-13 13:24:04 | Vocab - gossip
He is one of survivors. It's a shame that the LibDem candidate lost narrowly in the constituency .
Tory MPs who survived have racial diversity - Sunak, Braverman, James Cleverly, Priti Patel. Hunt's wife and children.

Jeremy Hunt’s children leave ‘sweet’ notes for Starmer’s son and daughter

There are no words!
animosity - it's second time, but I don't remember
[quote]There has never been any personal animosity. We are political opponents

I see. Starmer family will live above No.11 and Rachel Reeves's family will move into above No.10 instead, because it's smaller.

It's real transition, indeed. It looks there are only small hotels in Carmarthen...


2024-07-13 11:32:35 | Vocab - gossip
Reading Mogg's articles is just a routine. And he is just a celebrity now! Hurrah!

Jacob Rees-Mogg and family to star in fly-on-the-wall documentary

fly-on-the-wall documentary
a fly on the wall [Collins]a person who watches others, while not being noticed himself or herself
slouch [quote]slouching on his back
lift the lid [Wiktionary](intransitive) (chiefly UK, informal, figuratively) To reveal or expose something, especially information. [with on or off]
over the course of time [Cambridge]after a period of time (also in the course of time)
foray[Collins]If you make a foray into a new or unfamiliar type of activity, you start to become involved in it.
run-up to [Collins]The run-up to an event is the period of time just before it. [quote]It will follow him through the run-up to the general election and its aftermath
pretence [BR]

The names of the children. Mini Mogg! Tory boy!
How many children does Jacob Rees-Mogg have with wife Helena de Chair and what are their names?

[quote]What could possibly go wrong?[unquote] It's a good expression.

I was completely distracted by the Angela Rayner's tweet. [quote]“half expecting his nanny to march into the chamber with a blanket, pillow and a hot cup of Horlicks for the poor man”.[unquote]
I read the wikipedia of Horlicks, and I found "Goodness gracious me!", a 1960's song, not the famous comedy series, in it and I watched the YouTube of the song, and then I watched the Millionairess. and then... I fell into the "Wiki trap" again!

rule out

2024-07-08 01:16:40 | Vocab - politics
Good.UK 's "My Number Card" has been dismissed by the new government. Tony is very persistent!

Minister rejects Tony Blair's ID card call

rule out
in circulation [Collins](of people) active in a social or business context
worth your uwhile [Collins]If an action or activity is worth someone's while, it will be helpful, useful, or enjoyable for them if they do it, even though it requires some effort.
liable [quote]and thus would be liable to deportation
Lord Blunkett - David Blunkett

Border Security Command
Cooper sets out plan to tackle small boat crossings


2024-07-04 08:43:52 | Vocab - politics
Reform will be the winner of the vote.

Farage says he is part of ‘similar phenomenon’ to Andrew Tate among young men

level pegging
defect [Collins]If you defect, you leave your country, political party, or other group, and join an opposing country, party, or group.


2024-07-04 07:48:23 | Vocab - politics
He is on the brink of an abyss, but Mummy Mogg cherishes a hope.

Is this the end for Jacob Rees-Mogg? ‘I don’t know anyone my age who’s voting for him’

come to a close
stay put
sum up [Cambridge]to describe or express the important facts or characteristics about something or someone:
make a fuss
take it on the chin [Cambridge]to accept unpleasant events bravely and without complaining


2024-07-03 21:26:56 | Vocab - politics
Boris Johson and Sella Braverman... The last gasp of Tory.

Johnson appears on campaign trail at last – to dance on Sunak’s grave

Loads of words/phrases of kicking Tories when they are down!

dance on someone's grave
show off
to lose your mind [quote]Six weeks is what it would take for the Tories to lose their minds completely.
Leave Them on the Beaches - Sunak < Fight Them on the Beaches - Churchill
pièce de résistance [Collins]The pièce de résistance of a collection or series of things is the most impressive thing in it.
jump the shark[Cambridge]to reach a point where something stops becoming more popular or starts to decrease in quality
cluster-fuck/clusterfuck[Collins](taboo, slang) a situation in which many things go wrong within a short period
threnody [Collins]an ode, song, or speech of lamentation, esp for the dead [quote]A threnody of national shame.
halfwitted/half-witted adj < halfwit/half-wit noun
whistle-stop tour
futility < futile
in unison
inexplicably < inexplicable <<>> explain
Peter out
ineffectual <<>> effect
whimper[Collins] they make quiet unhappy or frightened sounds, as if they are about to start crying.
not with a bang but a whimper [Collins] you mean that it is less effective or exciting than was expected or intended.

Not with a bang but a whimper, indeed.



2024-07-03 01:05:51 | Vocab - politics
I've been VERY busy for work and socialising, but I need to find time to update my blog to make notes.
The historical general election day is approaching. I'd like to memorise the day before the big change.

'Gravely concerning' claims of Russian interference in general election to spread support for Farage's Reform

Oliver Dowden is "the deputy prime minister, who no one knows who he is" - Nigel Farage

these words are familiar with me...
talking point
far sighted

[quote]The broadcaster also reportedly found most of the administrators for each page are based in Nigeria, which is a significant connection as previous online Russian propaganda networks were found to have been operating from Africa.[unquote]


2024-06-09 12:19:33 | Vocab - gossip
He hasn't founded yet.

'We will not lose hope,' says Michael Mosley's wife

terrain sounds like train
sniffer - a sniffer dog
arduous[quote]why the missing presenter would try to make a long, potentially arduous journey in such heat[unquote]
Hay Festival

I want to listen to The One Show, but it's too gossipy.

On the coastal path near where Michael Mosley was last seen
rugged coastline

The route Michael Mosley is thought to have taken
unforgiving hillsides / unforgiving landscape
scouring all these rocky facings
working theories
we've seen drones up

it's exceedingly hot
it's sweltering
it's incredibly hot
it's unrelentingly hot

It's not mentioned in the article or footages, but I saw some articles which said it was 37.5 or 40 degrees. It's exceedingly hot, indeed.
He used an umbrella, but he might get heat stroke...


2024-06-02 00:10:31 | Vocab - politics
A short reading, but I learnt not only history but also good expressions.

‘Never again’: D:Ream ban Labour from using Things Can Only Get Better

ring out
rain-sodden [Collins]-sodden combines with words such as ' rain' to form adjectives which describe someone or something that has become extremely wet as a result of the thing that is mentioned
dismay [Collins](formal)If you are dismayed by something, it makes you feel afraid, worried, or sad.
sea change [Collins] A sea change in someone's attitudes or behaviour is a complete change.
intrinsically [Oxford]in a way that belongs to or is part of the real nature of somebody/something
< intrinsic

Peter Cunnah is an artist.
[quote]But after the war, I became politically homeless.[unquote]
[quote]I’ve learned the hard way.[..]It’s just a change of guard, someone handing the baton on[unquote]

Tony might have ended the band.
[quote]The original D:Ream line-up also included now-professor Brian Cox, but the group split up shortly after New Labour’s victory in 1997.[unquote]

hot spot

2024-06-01 21:55:20 | Vocab - local
It's not difficult to grasp the outline of the article by skimming, but it takes time to look up words in dictionary.

Fly-tippers to get points on driving licence, Tories promise

words - a lot of B2 phrasal verbs

[quote] people are being let off scot-free up and down the country[unquote]
scot-free [Collins]If you say that someone got away scot-free, you are emphasizing that they escaped punishment for something that you believe they should have been punished for.
let off [Collins](B2)If you let someone off, you give them a lighter punishment than they expect or no punishment at all.
up and down [Collins](B2)If you move up and down somewhere, you move there repeatedly in one direction and then in the opposite direction.

[quote]The Conservatives have had years to get tough on fly-tippers and litterers but have failed at every turn.[unquote]
get through [Collins](B2)If you get through a task or an amount of work, especially when it is difficult, you complete it.
at every turn [Collins]If you say that something happens at every turn, you are emphasizing that it happens frequently or all the time, usually so that it prevents you from achieving what you want.

[quote] a Labour government would put 13,000 more neighbourhood police and PCSOs back on the beat, crack down on "those who cause havoc on our high streets"[unquote]
put back[Collins](B2)To put something back means to delay it or arrange for it to happen later than you previously planned.
PCSO - Police Community Support Officer
on the beat [Collins]A police officer on the beat is on duty, walking around the area for which he or she is responsible.
crack down on

hot-spot/hot spot/hotspot
[Collins]You can refer to an area where there is fighting, serious political trouble, or an outbreak of a disease as a hot spot.

frequently appearing
vandal > vandalism

Tory government doesn't spend money for local communities.


2024-06-01 11:40:17 | Vocab - local
At first sight, the article is an easy short reading, but it contains interesting words.

No D-Day flights for WW2 planes after fatal crash

Sqn abbreviation for squadron
Ldr abbreviation for leader
Mayday [quote]It is understood he issued a Mayday call soon after take off and the spitfire was seen turning just before it plunged toward the ground[unquote]
epitome (pronunciation) ep-I-to-mee / the epitome of
personified < personify

I mixed up Mayday and May Day.
May Day always reminds me this incredibly intriguing video. It's awful 80's pop music, though.
The Safety Dance
The video is very England, but the musicians are Canadian. I found the wiki is interesting.

The article is about a death of a pilot, but I couldn't stop thinking about the dancing video.
[quote]His family described how he "lived his life with an unwavering passion with laughter, love and dedication".[unquote]
passion with laughter... He seemed a humorous guy. R.I.P.


2024-05-31 00:41:17 | Vocab - local
Another critical fault of IT systems has echoes of PostOffice.
I'm afraid that the IT systems has been developed by Fujitsu... Aw, It's Oracle. Oracle Cerner.

NHS computer issues linked to patient harm
It's really important article but no words apart from technical one...

Freedom of Information : FOI
rock [Cambridge]If someone is your rock, you feel that you can depend on them and that they will always support you.
sickle cell disease
cerebral palsy (CP)
acute hospital < acute care
The Royal College of GPs
jigsaw[Collins]You can describe a complicated situation as a jigsaw
echo of [quote]He also believes there are echoes of the Horizon scandal at the Post Office.[unquote]
[Collins]A detail or feature which reminds you of something else can be referred to as an echo.
A&E accident and emergency
pulmonary embolism

I don't want to let the government connect my personal medical history to My Number in the government IT systems.
[quote]Introducing computerised records and making the NHS paperless is a government priority in England. [unquote]
[quote]“It’s not safe. It’s really not safe."[unquote]


2024-05-30 01:09:53 | Vocab - business
Finally... It's sad but I don't commute to the centre of London anymore. It was enjoyable to commute with the freesheet in London.

London Evening Standard to close daily newspaper and launch new weekly

outlet [Collins]An outlet is an organisation that publishes news.

hit sb hard
[quote]The newspaper said it has been hit hard by the introduction of wifi on the London Underground
[quote]design staff on the print edition are expected to be hit hard.
[Cambridge]If a situation or experience hits you hard, it makes you so upset that you have difficulty dealing with it:

owing to - I should use this more for writing
[quote]a shortage of commuters owing to the growth of working from home

reliant on / part-owner
[quote] and is reliant on funding from its part-owner Evgeny Lebedev
brace oneself for / on top of
[quote]there would be an “impact on staffing”, with journalists bracing themselves for further job losses on top of years of redundancies

shellshocked [Collins]in a state of stunned confusion or shock; dazed
shell shock [Collins]the confused or nervous mental condition of people who have been under fire in a war

proximity (accent) proks-I-mity
readership [Collins]the readership of a book, newspaper, or magazine is the number or type of people who read it.
opinion former [Collins]people who have a lot of influence over what the public thinks about things.

City AM
London Paper
London Lite
Matthew Moulding
Emily Sheffield
London Live

Finally... [quote]With 4G mobile phone signal being introduced across the London Underground this summer[unquote]

When I commuted to the City of London from zone 4, I had read Metro in the morning and ES in the evening on the Tube.
But after I moved to zone 2, I seldom read the papers on the tube because the cars were extremely crowded. I read ES at home instead.


2024-05-29 00:52:12 | Vocab - local
I read the article because it was happened in Richmond. It looks there is one luxury men's watch shop in Kew Road, but it's hidden. I didn't know it.

Girlfriend pays emotional tribute to watch dealer robbery victim found dead

He died several hours after the assault...

next of kin
homicide <>suicide
Flying Squad
speak to [Collins]To speak to an issue or question is to speak about it or comment on it with knowledge and authority

I wonder if Sir David and Rick Astley live near the shop or broader Richmond where is well-known for celebrities.


2024-05-27 03:18:03 | Vocab - politics
Rishi's idea is not popular among pundits.

Rishi Sunak’s national service pledge is ‘bonkers’, says ex-military chief

bonkers - adjective, not plural nouns
figure [Collins](B2)Someone who is referred to as a figure of a particular kind is a person who is well-known and important in some way.
[quote]former military leaders and Tory figures have said in a new blow to the Conservatives’ faltering election campaign.[unquote]
suck out
hollow out
ill-thought-out <> well-thought-out
crack down [quote]£1bn would come from cracking down on tax avoidance[unquote]

defence word
chief of the naval staff, chief of the general staff
staff [Collins]the officers appointed to assist a commander, service, or central headquarters organisation in establishing policy, plans, etc
defence minister
national service[wiki]National service is the system of compulsory or voluntary government service, usually military service. Conscription is mandatory national service.
royal commission [wiki]a major ad-hoc formal public inquiry into a defined issue in some monarchies

I'm confused of minister and secretary. I know Michael Portillo, but who is Andrew Murrison?
It looks five minister positions in MoD, according to Wiki.
[quote]placing “potentially unwilling” recruits with professional soldiers “could damage morale, recruitment and retention and would consume professional military and naval resources”.[unquote]

I thought it's sort of a trial balloon, but it's not the first time Tories mention about this.
[quote]As Suella Braverman once said, when you’re in a hole, keep digging.”[unquote]

Napoleon is in a comment of the shadow defence secretary
[quote]Since 2010, Tory ministers have missed recruitment targets every year, hollowed out and underfunded our armed forces, and cut the British army to its smallest size since Napoleon. [unquote]

The article mention how small is the size.
Conservatives want to bring back compulsory national service
[quote]Cuts in the British Army have seen its size fall from more than 100,000 in 2010 to around 73,000 as of January 2024.[unquote]

My concern is Japan LDP will follow this Tory's idea. Japanese media and opposition parties are weak, not like UK.
It sounds like totally impractical as Farage said, but I don't think this is just a joke or a nonsense.
It seems me that the war is approaching to the western countries including Japan.