English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.

highly-strung, over the top

2023-02-09 03:08:01 | Reading - not classified
仕事に疲れたので、この記事を見ながら寝てしまったら、なぜかMick Jaggerの夢を見た。面白かった。

面白い表現がいくつかあったのでメモ。John CleeseとRob Reinerは面白そうな組み合わせ。
Fawlty Towers to be rebooted starring John Cleese and his daughter Camilla

The comedy set in Torquay depicted the highly-strung Basil Fawlty clashing with guests of his guesthouse during its original run from 1975 to 1979, and its reboot will focus on an aged but equally abrasive Basil as he confronts maddening trends in the modern world.

It has become known for stand-out moments of comedy, including Cleese’s famous “don’t mention the war” line, spoken as Basil seeks to placate his German guests, a plan which falls apart when he does an over-the-top impression of Adolf Hitler.

don’t mention the warは面白すぎ。Monty Pythonのドイツものすごい好き。ほんとcancel cultureって。
Torquayでドイツ人とFawlty Towersについて話しをしたのはいい思い出。

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