English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.

a fall in US inflation

2024-09-29 12:22:49 | Reading - business/world
Business English is American English.

Stock markets hit record highs after news of a fall in US inflation

pave the way to (US) [quote]A fall in US inflation expected to pave the way for further cuts in interest rates pushed stock markets to record highs on Friday.
veritable / a feast of [quote]A veritable feast of economic stimulus measures
markedly < marked [Collins]A marked change or difference is very obvious and easily noticed.

STOXX 600 / DAX (40) / CAC 40 / FTSE 100
Fed = The Federal Reserve System
The Conference Board

[quote]Recent reports by the International Monetary Fund and the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have shown global growth being held back by a sharp slowdown in the US and China. Some analysts have predicted that without extra measures to boost borrowing and investment, there could be a recession in the US next year and a sharp drop in China from the 5% growth rate target set by premier Xi Jinping.[unquote]

UK economy to grow faster than Japan, Italy and Germany this year, says OECD

Amazon had been a winner of super-deduction tax break

2024-09-29 11:12:12 | Reading - business/world
Should this article be classified into business or politics? It's about the change of the corporate tax policy.

Amazon UK pays corporation tax for first time since 2020
[quote]Amazon’s main UK division has paid corporation tax for the first time since 2020 after the end of a “super-deduction” tax break introduced by Rishi Sunak.[unquote]

rein in [Collins]To rein in something means to control it.
[quote]Analysts said the corporation tax payment was likely to have been prompted by lower capital spending by Amazon, as it has reined in warehouse expansion[quote]

tax break (US) = tax concession = tax incentive
offset [quote]Fewer government tax breaks and lower historical losses to offset against tax had also increased the bill, they said.
surmise [Collins]If you surmise that something is true, you guess it from the available evidence, although you do not know for certain.
sizeable [Collins]Sizeable means fairly large.
chunk [Collins]A chunk of something is a large amount or large part of it.
shunt [Collins]If a person or thing is shunted somewhere, they are moved or sent there, usually because someone finds them inconvenient.
GMB - general trade union

I don't like online shopping, because it's time consuming. Especially Amazon, because of its greedy way of management.
I don't like Furusato Nozei for the same reason, but I should be refunded some from government.
I pay tax too much to my local government and Japan. They are greedy, too. They should collect tax from Amazon, not me!


2024-09-26 03:31:31 | Vocabulary exercise book
[Collins]If you are plagued by unpleasant things, they continually cause you a lot of trouble or suffering.

[quote]Weather forecasts predict heavy rain will continue to plague England
[quote]the capital has been plagued with flooding in parts of the city over the past week

Flash floods. It's a flood caused by a heavy downpour.

Flash floods: What to do in flash floods as heavy rain predicted for England

give way to [quote] In London, the rain is giving way to showers
[Collins]If one thing gives way to another, the first thing is replaced by the second.
spiral (verb) [quote]flash floods can rapidly spiral from a nuisance into life-threatening danger.
[Collins] If an amount or level spirals, it rises quickly and at an increasing rate.


London Oktoberfest

2024-09-26 00:04:18 | Reading - travel/event
People are always looking for reasons to drink. We drink beer because it's approaching to October.

Oktoberfest 2024: The parties, events and beer halls across London

bash - again!
bottomless [Cambridge]serving or including an unlimited number of drinks, and sometimes food, in exchange for a single payment
soak up [Collins]If you soak up the atmosphere in a place that you are visiting, you observe or get involved in the way of life there, because you enjoy it or are interested in it.
akin - accent ak-i-n [quote]Expect something akin to heading to an Irish pub on St Patrick’s Day
wash down
in a row [Collins](B2)If something happens several days in a row, it happens on each of those days.
on a budget

oompah band
thigh-slapping dance

I just wanted to remember the word 'bottomless', but I learnt more.
Stein in Richmond doesn't do Octoberfest. It's been the only place to have German beer and food other than Germany. Or, Schmatz in Ark Hills.

An interview with Earl of Devon

2024-09-23 22:55:34 | Reading - politics/gossip
Today's Today in Focus was very interesting. I haven't noticed that there are summary articles about the podcast.

‘This is our culture’: what Earl of Devon thinks hereditary peers bring to Lords

second chamber = the House of Lords
hereditary (pronunciation) he-reditary
go (noun) [Collins]A go is an attempt at doing something.
litigator (accent)
legislator (accent)
halfway [Collins]Halfway means reasonably.
warm [Collins] If you warm to a person or an idea, you become fonder of the person or more interested in the idea.
horizon [Collins]Your horizons are the limits of what you want to do or of what you are interested or involved in.
patriarchal (pronunciation)
lightly [quote] I don’t take this lightly
shy [Collins]If you are shy of doing something, you are unwilling to do it because you are afraid of what might happen.
anachronistic [Collins]You say that something is anachronistic when you think that it is out of date or old-fashioned.

I agree with him. It's regret that it is ended by Tony and Kier who don't understand culture and tradition.
But they should had been changed by themselves before it is abolished. I'm sceptical about life peers. Transparency is needed for life peers as he says.

Ed Davey's speech to LibDem Conference

2024-09-23 15:25:06 | Listening
This is note to self. I'm too tired to do blogging today. I'm going for a walk. It's quite nice weather.

Key note speech of Sir Ed

Ed Davey's speech to Liberal Democrat Conference

LibDem conference

2024-09-23 14:37:55 | Reading - politics/gossip
I failed the LibDem conference last week. I'm not curious Labour conference which is currently holding.

Liberal Democrat conference: Sir Ed Davey pledges to be champion for carers in emotional speech

nanna/nana - grandmother?
undiagnosed - undiagnosed neurological condition
MS - Multiple sclerosis??
winterproof [Wiktionary]Resistant to the harsh weather conditions of winter.

Ali Fortescue says it's a victory lap. What struck he was LibDem thought their rival was Tory, even their ambition to go further.
parade - 71 Lib Dem MPs parading on stage
bob - bobbing along to ABBA

Lib Dem leader arrives at conference by jet ski

[quote] Sir Ed became known during the election campaign for his stunts, which continued during the conference, with him entering on a jet ski, playing beach volleyball, and building a stile. However, he revealed in his speech that health and safety stopped him from "putting my hand up a cow's behind or wing walking on a biplane". [unquote]

I like his stunts - jet skiing, bungee jumping... I think it works.

[quote]The spokesman said the cow idea had been seriously considered but did not go ahead due to health and safety concerns for both the cow and Sir Ed.[unquote]


hateful anonymous letters

2024-09-23 13:37:37 | Reading - local/society
This is old-fashioned 'cyberbullying'. It uses post mail. It has ruined a tranquil village.

Mysterious hate letters turn quiet village to 'poison'

Wicked Little Letters
rip up (British)
community-spirted - this must be typo of community-spirited

<unpleasant words>
cloud [Collins] something that darkens, threatens, or carries gloom

[quote]Despite destroying the letter, the hurtful accusations have stuck with Sophie.[unquote]

quintessentially English

2024-09-23 12:59:29 | Reading - local/society
This article reminds me of the Alice in Wonderland. It's a bit silly way of cricketing.

Cricket match in the sea celebrates 40th year

[quote]The annual match is played on Bramble Bank, a triangular sandbar in the middle of the Solent, which is only revealed at low tides.[unquote]
[quote]The match ends when the tide starts to come in and the pitch disappears under the sea.[unquote]

the Solent - strait
ocean liner QE2 - Queen Elizabeth 2

I don't understand the terms and the rule of cricket, but this cricket game sounds fun.

[Wikipedia]The Brambles cricket match has been described as "quintessentially English" and has even drawn the attention of a House of Commons Standing Committee, when it was mentioned as a light-hearted example of an event which falls geographically between the boundaries of two different licensing authorities.

quintessentially [Cambridge]in a way that is the most typical example or most important part of something:
quintessential [Cambridge]being the most typical example or most important part of something
quintessence [Collins] The quintessence of something is the most perfect or typical example of it.

light-hearted [Collins] (British)Someone who is light-hearted is cheerful and happy.

a bridge too far - market 2

2024-09-22 12:03:29 | Reading - local/society
Another article of OMG anniversary.

King marks 80th anniversary of Second World War’s Operation Market Garden

bold = daring
Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence
Airborne Museum Hartenstein in Oosterbeek
very [quote] Eighty years ago, on this very weekend,
a matter of month [Collins] You use matter in expressions such as 'a matter of weeks' when you are emphasizing how small an amount is or how short a period of time is.
liberator < liberate > liberation
renown - pronunciation
wreath - Christmas wreath

This is the explanation of OMG
[quote]An ambitious joint airborne and ground forces operation designed to seize crucial bridges to enable the advance into Germany, its ultimate aim was to end the war within a matter of months.[unquote]

75th ceremony was at larger scale with more survivors. Not so many can attend it in 80 years.

The Airborne Museum Hartenstein in Oosterbeek
I've been there. I felt as an outsider. I was too Axis there.

a bridge too far - market

2024-09-22 11:02:33 | Reading - local/society
Celebrate OMG week! It's 80th anniversary!

Paratroopers mark 80 years since Operation Market Garden

daring - a daring World War Two offensive
setback - logistical setbacks
lie - lay - lain
incongruously < incongruous
refuge - take refuge
liberate - one of the last places to be liberated from the Nazis
goosebumps / goose bumps
shrapnel - wounded by a piece of shrapnel

<OMG words>
Ginkel Heath
British Red Devils
Union Flag
Airborne Pegasus Flag
Wandeltocht - 34,000 Dutch gathered for the walking! Allied!

A cult gathering

2024-09-22 04:22:06 | Listening
It's a cult. That's why their words are easy for monkeys to listen to. Monkeys are easily deceived by such tricksters.

Reform UK conference highlights: Eminem, conspiracy theories and a plan to modernise – video

Monkeys can't memorise words, even being able to catch words...
vet - we will be vetting candidates rigorously at all levels
[Collins](British)If someone is vetted, they are investigated fully before being given a particular job, role, or position, especially one which involves military or political secrets.
bigot < bigoted(adj) - you are bigots!
[Collins]Someone who is bigoted has strong, unreasonable prejudices or opinions and will not change them, even when they are proved to be wrong.
get off to a good/bad start

Rupert Lowe - conspiracy theorist
[Collins]Something that is subversive is intended to weaken or destroy a political system or government.
Council on Foreign Relations CFR
[Collins]You can refer to friends that someone spends a lot of time with as their cronies, especially when you disapprove of them.

Lee Anderson is against TV licence fee! It's same technique as NHK party...

Yet another dodgy Boeing plane

2024-09-22 03:56:33 | Reading - travel/event
It's dangerous, but I can't avoid Boeing...
I haven't known bleeding when the pressures changes suddenly.

Boeing jet forced into emergency landing after passengers 'start bleeding from ears and noses’

pressurize / pressurise

[quote] However, the FAA in late January recommended more thorough inspections of other Boeing aircrafts including the 737-900ER involved in the incident over Salt Lake City because it shares the same door plug design as the MAX jets. [unquote]

There are no words or expression in the article, but the comment.
[quote]Yet another dodgy Boeing plane.[unquote]
yet another, dodgy
This is the reaction on the news.

Oasis offspring

2024-09-21 01:49:29 | Reading - celebrity/gossip
I was lured by the title of ES again! It's my routine now.

Get to know the Gallagher brood: what do Gene, Lennon, Anaïs and co do and who are their mums?

The name of the children are useless information, but I found good Use of English.

delve into
[quote]tell-tale heavy brows and strong noses[unquote]
laid-back - forgot, again!
feud - forgot, again!!
four-piece band
duopoly < monopoly
tie the knot
call it quits

Groucho club - I remember this
Crohn’s and Colitis UK
Charlotte Simone
Ringo Starr’s grandson - I remember the Tesco fight
Golders Green - this reminds me another article
King Alfred School
Bedales School
Camberwell College of Arts
New Forest



2024-09-21 01:36:35 | Vocabulary exercise book
In the article of Windermere, Jack, 32, a gardener who lives in nearby Kendal used whatsoever twice.

[quote]but I couldn’t see any antisocial behaviour whatsoever.
[quote]There’s no problem whatsoever.

[Collins]I don't think they'll have any idea how I'm feeling. None whatsoever.
[Cambridge]I can honestly say that I have no interest whatsoever in the royal family.