English for apes

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How do you live?

2023-08-30 22:30:46 | Writing
I have found significant numbers of Japanese authors' books in several independent bookshops in London and some other cities in Britain. Only Haruki Murakami's books had been seen, but not the other Japanese authors' before the COVID-19 pandemic. Because I don't have knowledge of contemporary Japanese novels and authors, I could recognise classics novels such as The Devil's Flute Murders of Seishi Yokomizo and The Setting Sun of Osamu Dazai. I was surprised when I found 'How Do You Live?' of Genzaburo Yoshino. It was a philosophical fiction for children and it hadn't been known until recent. I wasn't impressed when I read it after I became an adult. I just wondered why this book became such popular in modern times. It was a few days ago that I was aware of a film which was influenced by the book had been screened lately.
I have been thinking why I have to learn English. I have practical reasons of it. However, I realised that the reasons haven't drove me to learn English harder. I have come to the conclusion that the motives should be linked with my lifestyle or way of living. I should identify genuine motives to learn English and therefore how I live.

Word: 208

international contributions

2023-07-28 19:03:16 | Writing
I respect individuals who voluntarily support people in difficult situation anywhere in the world. They have steely will and make extraordinary efforts. I don't have enough motivation and energy to take risk of undertaking challenging tasks. I just respect them. From the view or financial support, I don't have extra money to donate charities or parties which I don't know. I have heard many rumour of frauds regarding international donation. I always think the way to help people in difficult situation, but I still cannot find the solutions.
I have started support a small group of teenagers who grew up in problem families in my country since several years ago. They were abused by their own parents or relatives and not able to go to school or even eat enough. I was surprised to hear juveniles don't get enough support from our government. I was introduced a small organisation which own a facility which take care of young people who escaped from their family. The organisation is purely managed by donation due to insufficient government system.
I think knowing is the first step to support people. Trust is key to support people if I cannot take care of people by myself. Taking care of abused people requires special knowledge and training. It is not easy to support people directly. (219)



Living in the countryside

2023-07-27 23:01:21 | Writing
My friend and I visited the boundary between the Scottish lowlands and highlands this summer. It seemed to me that staying in a small village in summer or the certain period of the year must be enjoyable. But the life might be boring if we live there through a whole year or the rest of my life. There were no pubs or shops. And even probably no Uber or convenient delivery services.
We visited a bookshop in a small village. I found a lot of secondhand books of philosophy, history, art and music and hundreds of classical music CDs. I assumed that someone who became old or died in the village left the books and the CDs. I imagined that the life in the countryside could be like the ex-owner of the books and CDs. The person took years to read all books and listen to the all CDs. I thought that reading, listening and thinking are the life in the countryside.
'Work From Home' made many people move from city to countryside. I know several people who bought houses by the sea. Some of them moved to countryside completely and the others keep hoses in a city. My ideal life is having more than one residences and live in a city weekdays and live in a rural area weekends and holiday.

222語。とりあえず今回は分量の確認。gooブログだと文字数が表示されるので語数は別途カウントしないといけない。(C1 Adcanced のPart1, Part2共220–260 words)



2023-07-27 22:01:58 | Writing

C1 Advanced: Text is a well-organised, coherent whole, using a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns with flexibility.

Cambridge English examiners consider these points when marking a piece of work:
Communicative Achievement

Subscales 3
text is well organised and coherent, using a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns to generally good effect.

Uses a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, appropriately. Uses a range of simple and complex grammatical forms with control and flexibility. Occasional errors may be present but do not impede communication.
