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Wild Eyed Boy from Freecloud 1969

2022-05-08 18:03:22 | Listing

and the women once proud clutched the heart of the crowd
as the boulders smashed down from the mauntain’s hand
but the cottage fell like a playing card hell
and the missionary mystic of peace love


A Bridge Too Far - Horrocks speech

2022-04-30 18:10:34 | Listing

Bowieに飽きてきたので違うもの。最初に思いついたのが、Lieutenant-General Brian Horrocks。

Gentlemen, this is a story that you will tell your grandchildren and mightily bored they'll be.
The plan is called Operation Market Garden. Market is the airborne element and Garden is the ground forces. That's us.
Now, this is our position on the Belgian border, here.
Tomorrow, three airborne divisions will begin landing in Holland. Thirty five thousand men taking off from 24-hour fields in troop-carrying planes or towed in gliders.
The American hundred and first, here, around Eindhoven. [The] American eighty second, here, south of Nijmegen. And our own first airborne boys and Polish brigade here, Arnhem. 64 miles behind the enemy lines.
Now their job is to take and hold all the bridges in these three areas. Our job is to punch a hole through the German frontline, here.
And then right [....], up this road, linking up with each airborne division on the way.
Speed is the vital factor.
The plan is to rejoin Eindhoven in two to three hours. And Arnhem, in two to three days. That, Gentlemen, is the prize, bridge of the Rhine, the last bridge between us and Germany.
Kick off will be 14:35 hours tomorrow afternoon.
The Irish Guards under the command of Colonel Vandeleur will take the lead.
- Christ. not us, again.
What did you say to that, Joe?
-Delighted, sir. Truly delighted.
I've selected you to leader is not only because of your extraordinary fighting ability, but also because, in the unlikely event that the Germans ever get you, they will assume from your attire they've captured a wretched peasant immediately send you on your way.
Now maintaining the speed is our advance will no doubt be tough going as it's a single highway but no matter what we must reach those first airborne boys in 48 hours.
Gentlemen, I'm not saying that this will be the easiest party that we've ever attended.
But I still wouldn't miss it for the world.
I like to think of this as one of those American Western films. The paratroops lacking substantial equipment, always short of food, these are the besieged homesteaders. the Germans well they naturally are the bad guys and Thirty Corps, we, my friends, are the cavalry on the way to the rescue.

こんなにクリアなスピーチなのに、聞き取れていません。CAEはToo Farかも。

Dave Lee Travis Show 20th October 1969

2022-04-29 17:52:14 | Listing

David, the record would you have them chart in Britain at the moment is that would be the biggest success today, isn’t it?
- My ONLY success today.
Well, wouldn’t say that. Tell us a little bit about you. Was it planned long time ago or is it very recent?
- Most people [presume..] it written because of anticipating the space shot, but in fact, it started last November and the recording of it started last December and it was finally finished in June, after which is released within three weeks which is very good going
So, right, now, you are not doing it in the studio, today
- No, No
Why is this?
- We'd need about five orchestras to get them, the right sound I think. That's possibly [pass] everybody’s budget.
Yeah. that could be true. Do you do live version of it when you travelling on
- Just with twelve string. Just with twelve string guitar
Yeah? And now with your little electronic gadget
- Yes. I use that too
That's it.
- then mention
[but the real, real] know too really.
Have you got anything that you are doing today’s program that is not on record
- Oh yeah. We’ve got a number that we [dug] up today, which was written about four years ago. hasn’t been out of the house. its the first airing its [over] had anywhere.
Really. Why it was not recorded?
- Why? My mother thought the lyrics were dirty
Are they?
- No. Not at all.
Oh, dear. What is it called?
- Very [serial]. Let me sleep beside you.
Can we hear it?
- Yes

2001 Space Odyssey UK release: 15 May 1968
Space Oddity release: 11 July 1969
Apollo 11 space shot: 16 July 1969


London Bye Ta-Ta 1968

2022-04-17 15:37:53 | Listing

The boys in the clothes shop
sold me curry for a pound
His cardboard face is soggy
and his sellings thorny crown

cardboard face is soggyはこの意味かな?

without substance
a cardboard smile

lacking in spirit or positiveness

his sellingsの使い方がわからないー。
his selling isの短縮かな??もっと英語に触れないとだめだなー。

She loves to love all beauty
and she says the norm is funny
but she whimpers in the morning
when she finds she has no money

ずっとThe Laughing Gnomeのgnomeだと思ってましたが。発音が違うんですよね。聞き取り・・。

1970年に再録音されたのに、The Prettiest Starに置き換わったようです。

Space Oddity 1969

2022-04-10 14:40:42 | Listing
今年のチャレンジの只管朗読のテキストはBowie at the Beeb。


初回はSpace Oddity。何万回聞いたかわからないくらい聞いてますが。こうやって改めて取り組むとoddityの綴りを間違います。
歌詞はほぼ暗記していたつもりでしたが、Use of Englishはちゃんとしてなかったかもということで見直し。

And may God's love be with you.

MODAL VERB [formal]l: People sometimes use may to express hopes and wishes.

You've really made the grade.

PHRASE [informal]: If someone makes the grade, they succeed, especially by reaching a particular standard.

Here am I floating round my tin can.

Here am Iの使い方。Here comes the Sunでおなじみの倒置。
GooleするとHere I amが正しいという説明も出てきますが。アメリカ英語か?
Davide Bowieの名曲にあるので、少なくともインフォーマルイギリス英語としては正しいはず。

あとround。float round。動詞+round。
Round is an adverb and preposition that has the same meanings as 'around'. Round is often used with verbs of movement, such as 'walk' and 'drive', and also in phrasal verbs such as 'get round' and 'hand round'. Round is commoner in British English than American English, and it is slightly more informal.

あとはPlanet Earthはtheがつかない。The Spiders from Marsもそう。でも、Far above the moon。



2022-01-02 00:01:15 | Listing

年末年始休みで時間ができたので、ブラウザのReading Listを整理していたら、これがでてきました。英語ものはこのブログにとりあえず保存。只管朗読/



