Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:玉城知事支持派の過半数が焦点 沖縄県議選、辺野古是非も

2024-06-01 12:34:58 | Translation



Translation; In the Okinawa prefectural assembly election, not only for or against Henoko, the focal point is whether or not majority of Gov. Denny Tamaki supporters

>"玉城知事支持派の過半数が焦点 沖縄県議選、辺野古是非も"

> 任期満了に伴う沖縄県議選(定数 48)は、6月7日の告示まで1週間となった。
> 米軍普天間飛行場の名護市辺野古移設の是非や、移設反対を掲げる玉城デニー知事の支持派が過半数を獲得できるかが焦点で、不支持派との激戦が見込まれる。
> 選挙結果は今後の県政運営を左右し、2年後の知事選に影響する可能性がある。
> 投開票は同16日。

There is one week left until the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly election (48 seats) to be held due to the expiration of terms, which will be announced on June 7.
The focal point is for or against the rolocation of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma whether or not to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to Henoko in Nago City, and whether or not supporters of Gov. Denny Tamaki, who opposes the relocation, will be able to secure the majority, and a fierce battle is forecasted with the opposition powers.
The election results will impact the prefectural governmental operation, and possibly influence the gubernatorial election two years later.
Voting & counting will be done on the 16th.

> 現有勢力は共産、社民両党などの支持派が 24議席、自民、公明両党と日本維新の会など不支持派が 24議席で同数。
> 不支持派の議長は採決に加わらないため、県提出議案は可決されてきた。
> 辺野古移設の是非では、公明党(2議席)も党本部とは異なり反対の立場を取るため、反対派が 26議席となる。

The current power-balance is the same -- supporters such as the "JCP" & "SDP" are with 24 seats, while opponents such as the "LDP" & "Komei Party" and "Nippon Ishin" (Japan Innovation Party) are with 24 seats.
The chairperson, an opponent, doesn't take part in the vote. Bills submitted by the prefectural government have been therefore dismissed.
Regarding the relocation to Henoko, Komei Pary (2 seats) also takes an opposing position, unlike the party headquarters. Opponents now have therefore 26 seats.

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