Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 5/31)

2024-05-31 18:59:27 | Translation

Ref.>"New Podcast Series: Abducted – Four Stories, Four Lives"

>"Abducted – Four Stories, Four Lives, Episode 1: Just a Schoolgirl Taken by Martians"

>"Abducted – Four Stories, Four Lives, Episode 2: Inside the Black Box"

>"Abducted – Four Stories, Four Lives, Episode 3: Something Strange Along the Sea of Japan"

> 杉田先生から告知・講師決まった

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 5/31)


> 本日 22時から。
> 言論テレビ・「花田編集長の右向け右」に出演いたします。
> リアルタイムだと無料でご覧いただけます。
> 皆さん、よろしくお願いいたします。

From 22:00 pm today.
I will appear in a program of "Genron TV" (turn right by chief edotor Hanada).
You will be able to view it for free of charge in real time.
Thank you in advance for your access, everybody.



> 昨日は北朝鮮による拉致問題対策本部から。
> 横田めぐみさんの弟さんで、家族会代表の横田拓也さん、西岡力先生、荒木和博先生から訪米時をお話を伺い、「残された時間が本当に少ない」との訴えを重く受け止め、大変歯痒く思いました。
> 厚生労働委員会→内閣第二部会→ 令和6年能登半島地震対策本部→ 領土に関する特別委員会→ 自衛官支援議員連盟、(続く)

Yesterday, I at 1st participated in a meeting of HQ for the Abduction Issue.
We were talked about visit to the U.S. by Takuya Yokota, representative of the Association of Families of Victims Kidnapped by North Korea whose sister Megumi was abducted, Prof. Tsutomo Nishioka and Dr. Kazuhiro Araki. We accepted an appeal of "There is very little time left" and felt impatient very much.
Welfare and labor committee → 2nd Cabinet Div. → 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake countermeasures headquarters → the Special Mission Committee on Territories → lawmakers league for supporting the SDF (to be continued)

> 歴史や地域性を踏まえて今起こっていることを大変わかりやすく解説してくださる兼原先生には、いつも感謝です。

(to continue) Then at last, we were lectured by Prof. Nobukatsu Kanehara titled "challenges for upgrade Japan's diplomatic and defense power" at the "Japan's Power" study group workshop.
I'm grateful to Prof. Kanehara each time for explaining what is happening now in a very easy-to-understand manner, taking into account history and regional characteristics.

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