Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/28)

2024-05-28 23:07:29 | Translation


>"佳子さま、白パンツスーツ姿で博物館を視察 地元メディアは「東洋のダイアナ」と報道"

>"在日外国人から永住権を奪うことは「死刑にも等しい」 社民・福島氏「裏金議員は他人には厳しい」"

>"NHK「お話しさせてください。受信料制度のこと」→ 反応『そのお辞儀では お話しなんか聞く気にならん。』"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 5/28)


> 財務省によれば日本の政府や企業、個人投資家が海外に持つ資産から負債を差し引いた対外純資産の残高が 2023年末時点で前年比12.2%増の 471兆 3061億円となり、過去最大を更新。
> 33年連続で世界首位の純資産国だそうだ。
> あれ?
> 日本は G7断トツの借金大国じゃなかったの?
> 国民を増税に追い込む為の "資産抜き"議論をいい加減やめませんか財務省

According to the MoF, as of the end of 2023, net foreign assets -- which is calculated by subtracting overseas liabilities from assets held by Japan's "government," "corporations" and "individual investors" -- increased by 12.2% from the the previous year making the total amount was \471, 306.1 billion and updated the record highest.
It was allegedly the world's highest net worth country for 33 consecutive years.
Isn't Japan by far the most indebted country in the G7?
Why don't you stop the discussion of "excluding assets" to drive the nationals into a corner of tax increases, the MoF?

>"対外純資産 471兆円に 円安で過去最大、世界首位"


> ギリシャを公式訪問中の秋篠宮家の次女・佳子さまが大統領を表敬訪問した後、首相夫妻と懇談。
> 気品ある着物姿にギリシャの人々も感嘆。
> 歴史と伝統を重んじる両国の永遠なる友好を

Princess Kako, the 2nd daughter of the imperial household Akishino, who is on an official visit to Greece, held a meeting with the prime minister and his wife, after paying a courtesy visit to the president.
Even Greek persons were impressed by her elegant appearance wearing Japanese-kimono.
It's an as a matter of course view that "I have never seen such a meaningful and picturesque courtesy call recently. The beauty of Japan is spreading to the world."
I hope the eternal friendship between two countries that respect history and tradition.

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