Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:再建中の首里城正殿を間近で、塗装前の状態を一般公開 令和8年秋に完成予定

2024-05-26 22:34:35 | Translation


>"首里城地下に広がる、旧日本軍の地下壕 一部坑道をメディアに公開"

>"沖縄県、学校給食費の無償化に向け、中学校の給食費無償化へ。自治体に費用の半分を補助 ⇒ 中山市長「知事選の目玉公約でした。市町村に半額を求めるとは」"

> 首里城再建 御差床の龍柱手がける県出身の職人(沖縄テレビ)2024/5/21

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; The conditions before painting is opened to the general public to make persons can view the main hall of Shuri-gusuku, which re-construction work is underway and is scheduled to be completed in fall in 2026, up close

>"再建中の首里城正殿を間近で、塗装前の状態を一般公開 令和8年秋に完成予定"

> 令和元年10月の火災で大半が焼失した首里城(那覇市)で 25日、再建中の正殿を風雨から守るための仮設の覆い「素屋根」内部が一般公開された。
> 1月に始めた屋根の工事がほぼ完了。
> 瓦がふかれ、柱や壁を漆で塗装する前の状態を間近で見てもらおうと、首里城を管理する内閣府沖縄総合事務局などが企画した。
> 26日まで。

At Shuri-gusuku (* castle, Naha City), most of which was destroyed in a fire in October 2019, on May 25, the inside of the su-yane (* temporary roof placed around a shrine、temple、etc) to protect the Seiden (* main hall), which is currently being rebuilt, from wind and rain is opened to the general public.
The roof construction that started in January is almost complete.
It was planned by the Okinawa General Bureau of the Cabinet Office and other organizations, that manage Shuri-gusuku, in order to make persons see up close the conditions before the tiles are set and the pillars and walls were painted with lacquer.
Up to May 26.

> 再建は4年に始まり、5年末に骨組みができた。
> 国や県は7年度中に特徴的な赤瓦を設置、漆やベンガラと呼ばれる赤色顔料で外壁を塗り、8年秋に正殿全体が完成する予定。
> 3階建てで、土台に当たる基壇を含む高さは約18メートル、延べ床面積は約1200平方メートル。

The reconstruction work was kicked off in 2022 and the framework completed at the end of 2023.
The national and prefectural governments plan to install distinctive red tiles and paint the exterior walls with lacquer and red-oxide called "bengala" during FY2025, and the whole main hall is scheduled to be completed in the fall in 2026.
It's a three-story building with a height of approx. 18 m including the base, and the floor area is totally approx. 1,200 square meters.

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