Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 8/10)

2024-08-10 20:43:26 | Translation


>"【パリ五輪】性別騒動の女子ボクサーが金メダル、中国選手に 5-0で完勝"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 8/10)


> 兵庫県元職員(斎藤知事について)

Former employee of the Hyogo Prefectural Office talks (about Gov. Saito).
The governor thinks of himself as "Mr. Governor," so he gets angry if we don't deal with him politely. His attitude is that [I'm the governor!] & [Do you think it's no problem to treat the governor so carelessly?]. The prefectural office is filled with suspicion. Everyone thinks that "I don't know who to trust" & "as long as the current system continues, it's unclear what will be done."

>'【独自取材】「知事は自分を知事様と思っている」死亡した元幹部と親しかった元県職員の証言 斎藤知事パワハラ疑惑めぐる "告発者さがし"の実態とは'


> パリは平昌を超えた!(白川司)
Paris has surpassed Pyeongchang! (Tsukasa Shirakawa)

> そうそう。
> 福島の処理水に文句を言うのに、セーヌ川で2時間泳がせるのはいいのかって。
> どっちかで泳がないといけないとしたら、皆さんたちはどっちよ。

You have a point.
Is it no problem to make them swim in the Seine River for two hours, while complaining about the treated waste water from (* TEPCO) Fukushima (* No. 1 nuclear power plant)?
If you had to swim in one of the two, which would you choice, everybody?



> 自転車・女子ケイリンの敗者復活戦で不手際。
> 残り1周で鳴るはずの鐘が鳴らず、選手がゴールした後に鐘が鳴ったために、トップでゴールした太田選手などがもう1周全力でこぎつづける羽目に。

A mistake was made in a women's road race repechage.
The bell, that was supposed to ring when there was one lap remaining, didn't ring. Because the bell rang after the riders crossed the finish line, Ota, who finished in the 1st place, and others had to continue pedaling full-fledgedly for another lap.

>"パリ五輪でまた運営不手際 女子ケイリンで残り1周の鐘鳴らず 日本選手「ゴールじゃん絶対!」もゴール後に鐘で全力周回 怒りの声「許されないだろ」"

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