Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 9/16)

2024-09-16 21:40:36 | Translation


>"小泉進次郎氏「私が総理になったら早期に衆議院解散」→ MC「国会での論戦なしに解散?」→ 進「"永田町論理"に毒されてるね!」"

>"【動画】津田「広島で【人々はなぜ自民党に投票し続けるのか?】をテーマに講演します」 → 青木「一言で終わりそう。【劣等民族だから】って」"

>"「石破茂氏 34.9%、小泉進次郎氏 23.2%… 」自民党本部が党員に実施したという真偽不明の世論調査出回る 自民党「実施したことはなく、今後も予定はない」⇒ ネットの反応「元毎日新聞の宮原健太か、とりあえず記事についての根拠を説明して欲しいね」"

> クビ切り・経済・有事…、自民党総裁選の最大争点 高橋洋一「日本の解き方」

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 9/16)


>「誰が新しい党総裁にふさわしいか」との共同通信の15〜16日の自民党支持層電話調査で高市早苗氏が 27.7%でトップ。
> 石破茂氏 23.7%、小泉進次郎氏19.1%。
> 日を追うごとに "高市上昇"が歴然。
> 安倍時代に国政選6連勝を成し遂げた保守・現実派が "高市自民党"に着実に戻りつつある

In a telephone survey targeting LDP supporters conducted by Kyodo News on Sept. 15-16 asking "Who do you think is suitable to be the new party president?", Takaichi Sanae took 1st place with 27.7%.
Shigeru Ishiba came in at 23.7%, and Shinjiro Koizumi at 19.1%.
Day after day, "rise of Takaichi" is becoming remarkable.
The conservative & pragmatist faction, that achieved six consecutive victories in national elections during the Abe era, is steadily returning to the "Takaichi LDP."



> 1面トップで読売が高市早苗氏と石破茂氏が "党員・党友調査"と "国会議員票"を合わせ123票獲得の同率首位である事を報道。
> 永田町激震。
>"推薦人が集まらない" "議員に不人気"など虚偽情報を流され、足を引っ張られ続けた高市氏。
> だが政策を磨きに磨いてきたこの政治家への支持の大きさを遂に隠せなくなった

On the front page, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported that Sanae Takaichi and Shigeru Ishiba were tied in taking 1st place with 123 votes, combining a "survey targeting party members and supporters" and "votes by Diet members."
Shock is running through Nagatacho.
Takaichi has been held back by spreading false information, such as "she doesn't have enough signaturers" and "she is unpopular with Diet members."
But finally, it's no longer possible to hide the large amount of support for this politician, who has been thoroughly refining her policies.

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