Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;日本から名簿がもらえない… 韓国政府が佐渡金山追悼式の参加者探しに奔走= 韓国ネット「日本の言いなり」

2024-09-16 10:42:27 | Translation

Ref.>"日本で人気の KPOPイベント KMFが16年で終了"

>"韓国の物価 キャベツ 540円、卵1パック 420円、豆腐半丁 510円"

>"北朝鮮、「ハローキティ」に酷似デザイン販売 → サンリオ「無断使用」"

>"INTERVIEW | Population Expert Deciphers South Korea's Declining Births"

>【うん、このあるなら証拠出してからものを言うべきじゃね?】社民党・大椿ゆうこ副党首と韓国野党議員らが要求「佐渡金山に『●●●●』と展示施設に明記せよ!」→ 日本政府へのアレってる要求wが話題

↓(See detail of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)

Translation; "At the mercy of Japan," S. Korean netizen expressed so = as the name-list isn't provided from Japan, Seoul has been rusing to find participants for the Sado gold mines memorial service

>"日本から名簿がもらえない… 韓国政府が佐渡金山追悼式の参加者探しに奔走= 韓国ネット「日本の言いなり」"

> 2024年9月12日、韓国・ハンギョレ新聞は「外交部が日帝強制動員被害者支援財団などを通して佐渡金山の強制動員被害者追悼式に出席する被害者と遺族を探していることが分かった」とし、「外交部は追悼式の主催者である日本政府が佐渡金山に強制動員された朝鮮人の名簿の公開に応じないため、別のルートを模索している」「『強制性』という表現が抜けた佐渡金山の世界文化遺産登録に同意し『屈辱外交』騒動を起こしたことに続き、今回は名簿の提供責任がある日本政府への説得にあまりに消極的だとの批判を受けている」と伝えた。
On Sept. 12, 2024, the Hankyoreh in S. Korea reported that "it turned out that the Foreign Ministry has been finding the victims and bereaved via the Foundation for Victims of Forced Mobilization by Imperial Japan and so on, who will participated in a memorial service for (* fake) victims of (* not) forceful mobilization to the Sado gold mines," and conveyed as follows;
"The Foreign Ministry has been seeking alternative routes, because Tokyo, the host of the memorial ceremony, refuses to open a name-list of Koreans who were (* not) forcefully mobilized to work at the Sado gold mines."
"Following to cause the [humiliating diplomacy] uproar by agreeing to listing of the Sado gold mines on UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, even though the word of [coerciveness] was omitted, it's this time being criticized for being too passive in persuading Tokyo, which is responsible for providing the name-list."

> 記事によると、韓国外交部は先月8日、日帝強制動員被害者支援財団に送った文書で「追悼式の準備の参考にしたく、貴財団の把握している強制動員被害者のうち佐渡金山に動員された人の名簿および生存者と遺族の名簿と連絡先の提供を要請する」と協力を求めた。
> これを受け財団側は、5日後に遺族10人の名簿を外交部に提供したという。

According to the article, on Aug. 8, S. Korean Foreign Ministry requested cooperation in its document sent to the Foundation for Victims of Forced Mobilization by Imperial Japan, saying that "In order to refer in preparation for the memorial service, we would like to request to provide us with a list of those who were mobilized to the Sado gold mines among the (* not) forceful mobilization (* fake) victims grasped by your foundation, lists of the survivors and bereaved, along with their contact information."
In response to that, the foundation side allegedly provide a name-list of 10 bereaved members five days later.

> 記事は「当時は7月末に佐渡金山がユネスコ世界文化遺産に登録された直後で、日本は登録に協力した韓国に対し、朝鮮人労働者の追悼式を9月に行うと約束した」とし、「しかしその約束は履行されずにいる上、日本は佐渡金山に強制動員された朝鮮人の名簿の提供にも一貫して非協力的だ」と指摘。

The article explained that "At the time, just after the Sado fold mines was listed on UNESCO WCH at the end of July, Japan promised S. Korea, which cooperated with the registration, to hold a memorial service for the Korean workers in September" and pointed out that "However, not only that promise has yet been fulfilled, but also Japan has consistently been uncooperative in providing the name-list of Koreans, who were (* not) forcibly mobilized to work at the Sado gold Mmines."
It explained that "During W.W.2, about 1,500 Koreans were (* not) forcibly mobilized to work at the Sado Gold Mine. At the Niigata Prefectural Archives, a "Peninsula native workers name-list" is preserve as [Document No. 1414]. However, the Golden Sado, which operates the Sado gold mines, has refused to open the material."

> 韓国外交部のチョ・テヨル長官は今月11日に行われた国会外交統一委員会の全体会議で「名簿は三菱企業の所有物であるため、三菱の同意なしには難しいというのが日本の立場」と明かしたという。
> これに関し野党議員からは「名簿が公開されない追悼式は、日本政府の過去史ロンダリングに加担しているようなもの。尹錫悦政府は日本政府に名簿の公開を強く求めなければならない」との声が上がっているという。

At a meegin of the National Assembly's Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee on Sept. 11, S. Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul allegedly revealed that "Japan's position is that it's difficult to do so without Mitsubishi's consent, as the name-list is a property of a company in the Mitsubishi group.
Concerning that, a voice allegedly emerges from opposition party lawmakers that "Holding a memorial service without disclosing the nane-list is equivalent to participating in Tokyo's past-history laundering. The Yoon Suk-yeol government must strongly urge Tokyo to open the name-list."

> この記事を見た韓国のネットユーザーからは「佐渡金山のユネスコ登録に同意した親日の尹大統領を弾劾するべき」「こっちは全て捧げたのに裏切られた」「日本に翻弄される尹大統領が招いたこと。尹大統領は正しい歴史認識もなく、日韓関係が良くなったと自画自賛」「日本では尹錫悦が韓国の大統領として認められていないみたい。日本帝国の朝鮮総督くらいに思っていそう」「尹大統領は日本の言いなり。強く要求できるわけがない」「日本には無条件に寛大に、損害は韓国が負う、というのが尹政権の外交政策なの?」など、厳しい声が上がっている。
S. Korean netizens, who read the article, are posting severe comments as follows;
"We should impeach the pro-Japan President Yoon, who agreed in registration of the Sado gold mines on UNESCO WCH."
"We gave everything we had, but we are betrayed."
"This is as a whole caused by President Yoon, who is at the mercy of Japan. Without even a correct historical view, President Yoon praises himself for improving Japan-S. Korea relations."
"It seems that Yoon Suk-yeol isn't recognized as a S. Korean President in Japan. They probably consider him as something like a Governor-General of Korea of ​​the Japanese Empire."
"President Yoon is at Japan's mercy. I's therefore impossible for him to demand strongly."
"Is it the Yoon administration's foreign policy to be unconditionally generous to Japan, while S. Korea shoulders damages?"

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