Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;9候補、大規模災害対応で討論 女性の政治参画推進も

2024-09-16 22:31:04 | Translation


>"EDITORIAL | LDP Leadership Sweepstakes: 9 Candidates and a List of Priorities"

>"LDP Presidential Election Debate: Determination Alone Does Not Qualify Someone to Be Prime Minister"

> 自民総裁選、3強の未来予想図 長谷川幸洋「ニュースの核心」

Translation; The nine LDP presidential election candidates discussed large scale disaster response measures, and female-participation in the politics too

>"9候補、大規模災害対応で討論 女性の政治参画推進も"

> 自民党総裁選の9候補は16日、金沢市で党青年・女性両局が主催した討論会に臨み、能登半島地震など大規模災害への対応を巡り議論した。
> 女性の政治参画の推進や、地方の声を重視する総裁選の在り方なども議題となった。

On Sept. 16, the nine LDP presidential election candidates took part in a debate hosted by the both party Youth Division & Women's Affairs Division in Kanazawa City. They discussed how to respond to large-scale disasters such as the Noto Peninsula earthquake.
Promoting females' participation in politics and the way of carrying out presidential election making much of voices of local areas were also included in the agendas.

> 高市早苗経済安全保障担当相は復興庁設置法改正を提言し「復興庁の機能を強化し、全国各地の被災地の復興にも取り組めるようにしたい」と述べた。
> 石破茂元幹事長は持論の防災省設置に触れ「災害に対応できない国は有事に対応できない」と強調。
> 林芳正官房長官は国土強靱化を進め「安心をつくる」と話した。

Minister of State for Economic Security Sanae Takaichi proposed to revise the Basic Act on Reconstruction in Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake, and said that "I want to upgrade the functions of the Reconstruction Agency and make it possible to tackle with reconstruction of disaster-stricken areas all over the country."
Former Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba mentioned his pet idea of establishment a ministry of disaster management and emphasized that "a country that can't deal with to a disaster can't deal with a contingency."
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said to "create peace of mind" by progressing with national resilience.

> 河野太郎デジタル相は女性の地方議員を増やすため、党の候補者の3割を女性とする努力義務を課すべきだと提唱。
> 加藤勝信元官房長官は比例代表での女性登用を「今すぐに着手できる」と語った。
> 総裁選の決選投票で国会議員票の比重が大きいことを巡り、複数の候補者が地方票との格差是正に向け、投票のデジタル化を訴えた。
> 小泉進次郎元環境相は「デジタル化で同じ重みを持つ形にするのが望ましい」と主張した。

In order to increase the number of female local assemblies members, Digital Affairs Minister Taro Kono proposed that the party should impose an obligation to make the best efforts to make 30% of their candidates are females.
Former Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said that "we can start working right now" on appointing females in proportional representation blocks.
Over large weight is given to votes by Diet members in a runoff election for the LDP presidential election, plural candidates called for the digitalization of voting to correct the disparity with local votes.
Former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi argued that "It's desirable to make it so that votes have the same weight through digitalization."

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