Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 8/10)

2024-08-10 22:05:06 | Translation

Ref.>'中国、料理の『骨』の中から整形外科用の "チタン釘"が発見される…'

>"Taiwan Olympic Items Confiscated: France's Role Under Scrutiny"

>【島田節炸裂】高市総理は誕生するのか? そしてここが変だよパリ五輪‼【文化人スペシャル特集】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 8/10)


> ハングリーな国からやってきた暴力的な移民は数が増えればやがて秩序への挑戦を始める。
> 移民たちは国を破壊したい左翼と連携し、ご覧のような「難民ようこそ!極右を止めろ!」とデモを始める。
> 移民と共産主義者が連携すれば鬼に金棒。
> 国が乗っ取られたくなければ移民の増加を止めるしか道はないだろう

When its number grow, violent immigrants from hungry countries will eventually begin to challenge the order.
Immigrants will join forces with leftists, who want to destroy the country, and as you can see, start demonstrations, saying that "welcome refugees! let's stop the radical-right!"
If immigrants and communists join forces, it's like adding fuel to the fire.
If we don't want our country to be taken over, the only way is probably to stop the increase in immigration.



> 中国の医療関連企業が葬儀場や大学病院の医師等と共謀し、骨の移植で使用する "移植材"を製造するため火葬場の作業員に火葬前の遺体を持ち出させていた事が発覚。
> 不正入手の遺体は 4000体以上で発見された人骨は18トン。
> 火葬場内で解体の後、関連会社に運ばれ、処理・加工されていた、と。
> ただ唖然…

It's revealed that a Chinese medical-related company, in collusion with funeral halls and doctors at university hospital(s), made crematorium workers bring out uncremated corpses to manufacture "transplant materials" for use in bone transplants.
More than 4,000 bodies were illegally obtained, and 18 tons of human bones were discovered.
After dismemberment in the crematorium, the remains were transported to an affiliated company for treatment and processing.
It's amazing, that's all...

>"中国の企業、火葬場から遺体を違法に入手 捜査で人骨18トン発見"


> 今日は神戸で高市早苗氏と岡部芳彦神戸学院大学教授とのダブル講演会があった。
> 相変わらずご覧の通りの大盛況。
> 保守・現実派の圧倒的高市人気は神戸でも。
> 岡部氏は "そこまで言って委員会"の仲間で、周知のようにウクライナやロシア問題における日本屈指の専門家である。
> 貴重なお話、有難うございました

Today in Kobe, a double lecture by "Sanae Takaichi" & "Kobe Gakuin University Professor Yoshihiko Okabe" was held.
As usual, it was held great successfully as you can see.
Takaichi's overwhelming popularity among conservatives & pragmatists was the same in Kobe too.
Prof. Okabe is my fellow in the program of "Sokomade Itte Iinkai," and as well known, he is one of Japan's leading experts on Ukraine and Russia issues.
Thank you for your valuable talk.



> 終戦の日、靖国神社から徒歩10分のホテルグランドヒル市ヶ谷で行われる高市早苗氏の講演会には、金美齢さん、葛城奈海さん、sayaさん、佐波優子さんが駆けつける。
> 一貫して靖国参拝を続ける高市氏の思いを直接聴ける機会。
> 毅然とした先人の思いに触れる「時」を、国を憂う皆さまでぜひ共有して下さい

On the anniversary of the end of the war, Kin Birei, Nami Katsuragi, Saya and Yuko Saha will rush to attend a lecture by Sanae Takaichi at the Hotel Grand Hill Ichigaya, a 10-minute walk from Yasukuni Shrine.
This is an opportunity to hear thought of Sanae Takaichi directly, who has consistently and continuously visited Yasukuni Shrine.
Please share the "time" with those, who are worried about our country, when to tough the resolute thoughts of our ancestors.

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