>"【在日】柳美里さん、金がなく借金生活 日本の現実を表しているようだ"
>"【韓国】ウェブトゥーン制作会社、赤字企業が続出 上位10社中8社が赤字"
>"【ついにあの】全員日本人の異色の5人組 K-POPグループ「UNICODE」、7月日本デビュー!"
>【日本の窮状】韓国レーダー照射事件 反日・親北の韓国との付き合い方
Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 6/23)
> この件については韓国内でも
> と批判的な意見が圧倒的に多い。
> おそらく在日韓国人の多くも「早く国に帰れ」と思うはず。
> 数式のように「国に帰れ🟰ヘイト」とは言い切れないのだ🤔
Concerning this issue, even in S. Korea, overwhelmingly majority views are criticals as follows;
"It's a shame of the country. Go home ASAP!"
"Did you want to go sightseeing tour to Japan?"
"Hate S. Korea manufacturing machine."
"Progably, you can never do that in China."
I'm sure that most "ban-jjokbaris" think that "Go home ASAP" too.
It's not like a mathematical formula that says "Go home🟰hate"🤔
>"【政活費】萩生田光一氏、吉野家に1万3318円、サイゼリヤに1万5800円、Coco 壱番屋に1万7890円"
> YABニュース 全国介護事業者連盟山口県支部が知事に申し入れ
Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 6/23)
> 21日、通常国会最終日。
> 午前中に各委員会を終え、午後の本会議後、飛行機で山口宇部空港へ✈️
> 翌日は、自民党豊浦支部総会からスタート。
> 本州の一番西の端にある自民党支部です。
> 総会後、役員の皆さんと昼食を取りながら意見交換会。
June 21 was the final day of the ordinary Diet session.
I finished each committee in the morning, and after the end of the ordinary session in the afternoon, I took an airplane to go to Yamaguchi Ube Airport ✈️
The next day, I started with attending a general meeting of the LDP Toyoura branch.
This is the westernmost LDP branch on Honshu.
After the general meeting, I exchanged views with the executives over taking lunch.
(to be continued)
> 午後は下関市内でご挨拶回り。
> 夕方からは一般社団法人全国介護事業者連盟山口県支部 設立総会懇親会に出席。
> 県内各地からのみならず、広島、岡山からも介護事業者の方々が下関市に集結。
> たくさんの方と介護事業の課題について意見交換ができました。
(to continue) After that, I moved to Kawatana Grand Hotel Otafuku, and was explained on the regional revitalization.
In the afternoon, I made courtesy calls in Shimonoseki City.
Since the evening, I attended the founding general meeting and social gathering of the Yamaguchi Prefecture branch of the general incorporated association Japan Federation of Kaigo Business Providers.
Nursing care providers gathered in Shimonoseki City not only from prefectural various places but also Hiroshima and Okayama prefectures.
I could exchange views with many persons about problems of nursing care business.
> 私は、私の支持者の方々の発言の自由を制限する立場にはありません。
> また、私を支持しない方々の発言の自由を制限する気も全くありません。
> アンチの方も支持する方も自由に投稿していただければ良いと考えています。
I'm not in a position to restrict the freedom of speech of my supporters.
Nor do I have any intention to restrict the freedom of speech of those who don't support me.
I think that both antis and supporters post comments freely.
Ref.>"Vladimir Putin in Pyongyang: How It's Viewed in the Region"
>"North Korea's 'Garbage Bombs,' A Window to Life in Pyongyang"
>"South Korea, Diplomatic Strain and the Radar Lock-on Incident"
>"South New Treaty between Russia, N. Korea: Pact Shows Blatant Disregard for International Order"
>【櫻井よしこ特別版!】金正恩 → 文在寅が隠避指示 韓国レーダー照射事件の真実
↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)
Translation; [Excerpts from the Sankei]. Kim Jong-un is grinning from ear to ear at peace at any cost mindset Diet session in Japan
> 2018年6月、シンガポールで当時のトランプ米大統領と初めて会談した際の北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長の顔は緊張でこわばり、歩みはぎこちなかった。
> それから6年がたち、今度はプーチン露大統領を平壌に迎えた金氏は終始リラックスした表情で、余裕すらうかがえた
When chairman of the WPK in N. Korea, "Kim Jong-un," held the 1st meeting with then U.S. President D. Trump in Singapore in June 2018, his face was tense due to strain and his steps were awkward.
Now, six years later, when Kim welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin in Pyongyang, he looked relaxed throughout the meeting and even seemed to be with margin.
> 同月に訪米し、トランプ氏と会談した安倍晋三首相は帰国後、抄子に情勢の緊迫を告げた。
* N. Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test in Sept. 2017, and released that it had "completely succeeded" in a hydrogen bomb test to be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching the west coast of the U.S.
PM Shinzo Abe, who visited the U.S. that month and held a meeting with D. Trump, notified the strained situation to an author of this column after returning Japan.
"Kim Jong-un is a very cowardly person, he therefore will never launch a preemptive attack on his own. On the other hand, the U.S. will possibly launch a preemptive attack next year."
> 自衛隊幹部も朝鮮半島有事では「拉致被害者救出のため自衛隊を出したい」と漏らしていた。
> 金氏が米朝首脳会談に臨んだのは、このままでは自身の命が危ういと考えたからだろう
* In fact, at the time, the U.S. considered all options, from a "decapitation strike" targeting at Kim Jong-un in person to the use of nuclear weapon to attack a wide area.
Executive(s) of the SDF also spoke out to want to "send the SDF to rescue abduction victims" in an event of a contingency on the Korean Peninsula.
The reason why Kim Jong-un attended U.S.-N. Korea summit meetings was probably he thought that his own life was in danger, if it went as it was.
> 朝鮮半島有事に、ロシアが軍事介入する道を開いたもので、米国の軍事的圧力におびえてきた金氏がほくそ笑む姿が目に浮かぶようである
* The "comprehensive strategic partnership pact," which was signed by Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin this time, includes a clause stating that each side will "mutually provide military assistance" in an event of a contingency.
This paves the way for Russia to intervene militarily in an event of a contingency on the Korean Peninsula, it's therefore almost possible to imagine Kim Jong-un, who has long feared military pressure from the U.S., grinning from ear to ear.
> 中国の脅威も合わせ、わが国を取り巻く安全保障環境はかつてなく厳しい
* N. Korea, which has been steadily moving forward with its goal of becoming a nuclear power, cooperate with Russia, a long-established nuclear power. In such situation, even the U.S. can't afford to intervene carelessly.
Combined with the threat from China, the security environment surrounding Japan is more severe than ever.
> 平和ボケは病膏肓に入っている。
* Nevertheless, the ordinary Diet session, which effectively closed on June 21, was thoroughlty dominated by "politics and money."
The illness of peace at any cost mindset is so serious that recovery is very difficult.
Ref.>"Xi Jinping Seen Through the Roadmap of 'Document 9'"
>"EDITORIAL | Extend Diet Session to Take Up Urgent Constitution Reforms"
>【日本の窮状】中国の言いなり政治 原爆を正当化するアメリカ 言い返せない岸田首相
Translation; "In order to comfront with China," General Eric M. Smith, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, expressed so = the U.S. will deploy its 3rd MLR in Guam
>"米、グアムに海兵沿岸連隊配置へ 司令官「中国に対抗」"
> 米海兵隊のスミス司令官は 21日、小規模で即応力のある海兵沿岸連隊(MLR)を数年内に米領グアムに配置すると明言した。
> MLRについて「中国の攻撃に対抗するために設計された」と述べ、日本や韓国、フィリピン防衛のための抑止力となると強調した。
> 共同通信など一部メディアとワシントンで記者会見した。
On June 21, General Eric M. Smith, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, specified to deploy the Marine Littoral Regiment (MLR), which is small scale and with quick response capability, in the U.S. territory of Guam within a few years.
Concerning MLR, he said that "It's designed to comfront with attack by China," and emphasized that it would be deterrence in order to defend Japan, S. Korea and the Philippines.
He held a press briefing with some media including Kyodo News in Washington DC.
> グアムに置かれるのはハワイ、沖縄に続く3番目の MLR。
> スミス氏は「グアムからフィリピンに迅速に展開できる」と説明した。
> 在日米軍再編に伴う在沖縄海兵隊のグアム移転が今年12月に始まると指摘。
> 普天間飛行場(沖縄県宜野湾市)の辺野古移設工事は順調に進んでいるとの認識も示した。
The one, which will be stationed in Guam, will be the 3rd MLR following those in Hawaii and Okinawa.
Gen. Smith explained that "it will be possible to be deployed from Guam to the Philippines promptly."
He pointed out that the relocation of Marine Corps in Okinawa to Guam would be kicked off in December this year, as part of the reorganization of the USFJ.
He also showed recognition that relocation-work of the Marine Corps Air Station Futenma (Ginowan City, Okinawa Pref.) to Henoko has been progressing smoothly.
>"【フジ】街でもバズる石丸伸二氏 都知事選ルポ「国政政党と無縁だからこそ… 東京、日本の政治を変える」ボランティア希望は 4000人に"
> 石丸伸二氏が猛追、都知事選に異変 「小池 vs 蓮舫」の構図崩れる
Translation; The first weekend since the Tokyo gubernatorial election was announced = policy-measures battle is preferable, while excessive number of candidates is embarrassed
>"都知事選、告示後初の週末 政策勝負を、乱立に困惑も"
> 東京都知事選は 22日、告示後初の週末を迎えた。
> 過去最多 56人が立候補し、選挙ポスター掲示板の枠が足りなくなる異例ずくめの選挙戦。
> 有権者は何を望むのか。
> 買い物客や観光客らでにぎわう街では、政策勝負を求めたり、候補者乱立に困惑したりする人の姿が見られた。
June 22 marked the first weekend since the Tokyo gubernatorial election was announced.
It's an unprecedented election campaign -- a record highest 56 candidates have run which makes space on election poster boards insufficient.
What do the eligible voters want?
In the streets bustling with shoppers and tourists, some expected policy-measures battles, some were embarrassed by the sheer number of candidates.
The battle to choose the "face of the capital" will be votes casted and counted on July 7.
> 20日告示の都知事選。
> 少子高齢化や災害対策など課題が山積する中、各候補は子育て支援や格差解消などを争点に、支持拡大を訴える。
> 東京・秋葉原でジョギングをしていた台東区の会社役員の男性(58)は「話題先行にならず、政策で勝負してほしい」と話した。
The Tokyo gubernatorial election, which was announced on June 20.
Amid a mountain of problems, such as the declining birthrate and an aging population and disaster prevention measures, each candidate has been appealing for support by making child-rearing support and eliminating disparities the main issues.
A company executive (58) in Taito Ward, who was jogging in Akihabara, Tokyo, said that "I want the candidates to compete on policy measures, not on topics."
> 約1万4千カ所あるポスター掲示板の一部には、政治団体の活動により、同じ人物のポスターなどが多数張られた。
> 裸同然の女性のポスターを張った別団体の候補者は、都迷惑防止条例違反容疑で警視庁に警告を受けた。
> 政見放送は11時間以上となる可能性がある。
> 港区で期日前投票をした会社役員の男性(70)は「関係のない人物や内容のポスターが大量に張られていて迷惑だ」と憤った。
As a result of activities of political organization(s), numerous posters of the same person are put up on some of approx. 14,000 poster boards.
A candidate from another organization, who put up posters showing an almost naked female was warned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for suspected violation of Tokyo's Anti-nuisance Ordinance.
Political broadcasts may last for more than 11 hours.
A 70-year-old company executive, who voted in advance in Minato Ward, was outraged, saying that "Many posters showing unrelated persons and the contents are put up, it's therefore a nuisance."