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2017-08-16 | Weblog

After Son Is ID'd At Supremacist Rally, His Father Responds Publicly

息子が白人優越主義団体の集会に参加しているのをネット上で特定された父親が公に意見を述べた。 <input type="hidden" value="After Son Is ID'd At Supremacist Rally, His Father Responds Publicly" /><input type="hidden" value="After Son Is ID'd At Supremacist Rally, His Father Responds Publicly" /><input type="hidden" value="" /><input type="hidden" value="" />August 15, 20179:30 AM ET  Bill Chappell

Neo-Nazis and white supremacists who participated in the protests in Charlottesville, Va., are being identified online — and the family of one man says they no longer have anything to do with him. ネオナチと白人優越主義者でバージニア州のシャーロッテスビレの抗議集会に参加し、オンライン上で特定された男の家族は彼とは今後絶縁すると述べている。

Pearce Tefft wrote a letter to members of his community in Fargo, N.D., to set the record straight about his family and the current state of his relationship to Peter Tefft, calling his son "an avowed white nationalist" who attended the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend. ペアス・テフトはノースダコタ州のファーゴの地域コミュニティの住人に手紙を書き、息子を週末に集会に参加した息子をとうてい容認できない白人優越主義者だと断じて、彼の家族及びペーター・テフト本人との現在の関係など誤解を正した。 

"I, along with all of his siblings and his entire family, wish to loudly repudiate my son's vile, hateful and racist rhetoric and actions," Tefft wrote in a letter to The Forum newspaper on Monday. "We do not know specifically where he learned these beliefs. He did not learn them at home."  私のみならず、彼の親戚一同、そして家族の全員は、この息子のやっている行為を邪悪で憎悪に満ちた人種差別主義と大声で非難するとフォーラム紙に月曜日寄稿した。私たちはこのような考えをどこで学んだのか分からない、我が家ではそんな育て方をしてはいない。As for what Peter Tefft did learn at home, his father says he believes in equality and opened his house to "friends and acquaintances of every race, gender and creed." 我が家では平等を重んじ、どんな人種、性別、信条の知人や友人に対しても常にオープンに接してきた。Peter Tefft's decision to "unlearn" what he was taught has brought heartbreak to the family, Pearce Tefft said. He added that he won't open his home to his son and that he is no longer welcome at any family gatherings. この家族から学んだことをなぜ忘れてしまったのか家族は心を痛めていると父親は述べ、今後は家族として彼を受け入れることはないと付け加えた。Urging the community not to judge the entire family based on Peter Tefft's involvement with the neo-Nazi movement, Pearce Tefft said that while he disagrees with his son's beliefs, they "are bringing hateful rhetoric to his siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews as well as his parents." 父親は息子のこのネオナチ運動への参加をもって家族全体を色眼鏡でみないでほしいと訴えて、息子の思想は、彼の一族、従妹、姪、甥、両親にとって全く受け入れられるものではないと話した。Calling Peter a prodigal son who might someday be welcomed back — but not until he disavows hatred — Pearce Tefft urged, "Please son, renounce the hate, accept and love all."  ペーターをバカ息子と呼び、彼が改心するまで我が家の敷居をまたぐことはないであろうと述べ、息子に憎しみを捨て、愛を受け入れるように呼び掛けた。Peter Tefft was identified by an online campaign led by the Twitter account "Yes, You're Racist," which began working over the weekend to identify the non-hooded white supremacists who appeared at the march and rally in Charlottesville. ペーター・テフトはツィッターの「お前は差別主義者だ」というアカウントでオンラインのキャンペーン上でその名前と顔が特定されており、このキャンペーンが週末から機能し始めたため、顔を覆っていない参加者が多くの人に知れ渡るようになった。At least one attendee of the Unite the Right rally has lost his job; others have faced intense scrutiny. When it comes to Peter Tefft, his family is making it clear that his beliefs are not theirs — and that he is not welcome to come back home. 少なくとも同集会の一人の参加者は職場を首になっており、ほかの参加者も現在猛烈な追及を受けている。 そしてそのなかの一人であるペーターは家族から絶縁を言い渡されているのであるOther members of Tefft's family have also spoken out. When The Forum reported about Peter Tefft's involvement with the rally over the weekend, his nephew, Jacob Scott, issued a statement that read in part:  テフトファミリーのほかのメンバーもこの件について声を上げており、以下のような声明文を出している"In brief, we reject him wholly – both him personally as a vile person who has HIMSELF made violent threats against our family, and also his hideous ideology, which we abhor. We are all bleeding-heart liberals who believe in the fundamental equality of all human beings. Peter is a maniac, who has turned away from all of us and gone down some insane internet rabbit-hole, and turned into a crazy nazi. He scares us all, we don't feel safe around him, and we don't know how he came to be this way. My grandfather feels especially grieved, as though he has failed as a father." 私たちに恐怖をもたらした彼及び彼のイデオロギーを全く否定します。私たちは人間の基礎的な平等を信じるリベラルで情を重んじます。ペーターは変質者で我々の元を去り、よからぬ者たちとつるんで狂ったナチに染まってしまった。彼は私たちを脅すので恐怖を感じています。なぜ彼がこのようになったのか知らないが、彼は父親としても失格で、祖父は特に悲嘆に暮れている。In a Facebook post about his uncle, Scott wrote, "Peter, if you are reading this, PLEASE CHANGE YOUR NAME IMMEDIATELY. You are bringing shame and ignominy on your whole family, and causing a great deal of heartbreak and distress for all of us." フェースブックでも彼の叔父であるスコットがこう書いている。 ペーター!もしお前がこれを読んでいるのなら、すぐに名前を変えなさい。お前は一族郎党に汚名を着せている。そして多くの家族が大変心を痛めている。Both Jacob Scott and Pearce Tefft promised that they would resist their relative to the end, with Pearce Tefft telling his son, "you will have to shovel our bodies into the oven, too." この叔父のヤコブ・スコットと父親のペアス・テフトはこのバカ息子を勘当することを宣誓し、「お前は我々の体をオーブンに投げ込むことになる。」と息子に父親は付け加えた。That sentiment, echoed by both relatives, was a reference to a joke they said Tefft had told about how fascists treat dissenting opinion.  この二人の宣誓はテフトがいかにファシストが他者の意見を扱ってきたかを皮肉った冗句の意味を込めている。