Tomi's Journal


Learning how to make and keep a fire.

2015年06月10日 | Weblog

Sorry we just changed our PC to a new one and I don't know how to switch from English to Japanese.
I will write in English this time.

Tomi has been enjoying his time at scout on every Monday evening.
A few weeks ago, they learnt how to make and keep a fire with Paul, their scout leader.
It was such a cold night to stay outside for us (mums), however, 'cold' is nothing for kids when they are having fun!

Boys are learning how to set up the base for a fire using fluffy fibre..

Maybe one day they can use this skill when they go camping?!?!

Trying to keep the fire..

They were outside for more than one hour!!! Great effort guys!!!
(while mums were chatting away inside the hall ;-p)

This happened a few weeks ago and last week, they reviewed this fire making skill and enjoyed melting marshmallow as a treat.
This coming Sunday, we will go for another outing as a cub scout.

Oh, before I go, I put this photo of Tomi's scout uniform sleeve.

I love the pictures of the each badge, so cute! From the top left, Art and Mask, Cooking, Engineering and Space.
Some boys are competing each other to get more badges. Tomi? He is taking his time hahaha.

Another cute picture I want to share with you is this!!

Written and drawn by Niko.
Yesterday, Henri told the boys if they can put away all the toys on the floor before they have shower and keep
it up for a whole week, they will get $5 as a reward... and then Niko wrote this :-)

Ok I guess that's it for today... I will write in Japanese next time!!!

Bye for now...


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2015-06-13 08:53:07

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2015-06-22 13:28:44
