
Zazen 法話のページ

幸 田露伴のことば『般若心経第二義注』より

2024-09-07 | 生涯学習


*Effective teaching in Hannyashin-sutra.
“The secondary explanation of Hannyashin-sutra” by Rohan Koda (1867~1947)

・The great explanation of the Buddhist sutra is to get a personal understanding without words. Some persons inflict opposite words to speaking situations. However, it cannot do good deeds. Therefore, the great word is without words. To do without words is to practice, namely. Practising cannot crush by words.

・In the circumstance of teaching swimming on the platform, however skilful teaching, we cannot ask him as a good teacher. Why is it? The purpose of learning swimming is nothing theory; become good at swimming merely.

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