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努力について 4 幸田露伴 『努力論』より

2022-01-25 | 坐禅研修
About Effort -Excerpts from Rohan Koda’s Doryoku-ron the Theory of Effort

People must decide to carry out as follows; Do what you should do, don’t do what you shouldn't do. 
Think what you should think and don’t think what you shouldn’t think.

There is a huge difference between working with a focused mind and working with a loose mind.

Beautiful and right thoughts can focus and accomplish things.

Concentration expands a person's ability to learn and think.

Those who are willing to share good fortune will be honored even more.

Planting an apple seed and cultivating it is planting good fortune. Don't think of it as just one apple tree. It produces several, dozens, hundreds of fruits.

Those who are willing to plant good fortune will be truly respected.

Cultivating a single tree may be a trivial thing, however it is a source of happiness for you and for others.

The spirit and work of planting good fortune will bring great progress to the world. It will also bring great happiness.

2022年1月  編集吉富宜健 合掌

One of my followers said to me more than ten years ago.
“Rohan Koda's 'Theory of Effort' is my favorite book. Have you ever read it?”
At a missionary training seminar at Myoshin-ji temple, the instructor told me to read this book, but I had not made any effort to do so.
Then I searched for this book in a used book store on the internet and found the first edition of the paperback book, which I immediately bought. When I tried to read it, I found it difficult to interpret because of its difficult literary style. Since first editions are precious, I bought another new book and have read it while writing some with a pencil.
I decided to take some words from this book and quote them on the bulletin board in front of the temple gate, and made it into this wall hanging. As you know, Rohan was a novelist and essayist of the period of Meiji, Taisho, and Showa who was awarded the first Order of Cultural Merit.
The background of his thought is based on his deep knowledge of Oriental philosophy in general, including Buddhist sutra, Lao Zhuang Philosophy; Taoism and Oriental history. The main themes of "The Theory of Effort" are "sharing good fortune", "borrowing good fortune", and "planting good fortune". Particularly, planting is very important. Rohan is probably the only person who said, "When you eat an apple, sow its seeds". I edited this book because I believe that Rohan's words will empower us today. I hope you will give me your encouragement.

Edited and translated by Giken Yoshitomi, with a deep bow  January 2022

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