
Zazen 法話のページ


2024-09-07 | 坐禅研修



終わったあと、何か心のモヤモヤがすっきりした気分で体が少 しだけ軽くなった気がしました。今はまだ受験希望校のことで「あそこもいい、ここもいい」といっぱいあるけど「来年の今頃はみんなそれぞれの道を、別々に歩んでいるだろうね」と、ちょっと悲しくてさみしい和尚さんの言葉だったけど、同時に勇気をもらったこの言葉を信じて、その言葉を胸にこれからも頑張ります!

平成 16年 6月 30日
東京都中央区立某中学校三年 T ・ H

Dear Reverend,
I am H from H. Junior High School in Chuo Ward, Tokyo, where I had the opportunity to experience Zen meditation. Participating in that Zen meditation on the first day of our school trip was beautiful. It was hot, I was sweating, and my eyes were slightly sore, but it felt amazing. Honestly, before trying it, I wouldn’t say I liked the idea and regretted doing it, but after experiencing it, I realised it was a great decision. I'm not joking or lying; I mean it.

After the Zen meditation ended, I listened to your talk, Reverend, and again, I thought, "I'm glad I came." I was worried about high school entrance exams, but listening to your sincere words made me think, "That was a good story." After it ended, I felt a sense of relief in my mind, and my body felt a little lighter.

Right now, I'm still considering various high schools and thinking, "This one is good, and that one is good too," but I remember your words that made me feel a little sad and lonely, thinking, "By this time, next year, everyone will be walking their paths separately." However, at the same time, I received courage from those words, and I will believe in them and do my best, keeping those words in my heart!

The school trip turned out to be a great experience. Thank you very much. If I can revisit Kyoto, I would love to try Zen meditation. Please take care of me when that time comes.

June 30th, 2004 T.H. 3rd Year, H. Junior High School, Chuo Ward, Tokyo

坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 
久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1 圓通寺 
初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。
●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。

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幸 田露伴のことば『般若心経第二義注』より

2024-09-07 | 生涯学習


*Effective teaching in Hannyashin-sutra.
“The secondary explanation of Hannyashin-sutra” by Rohan Koda (1867~1947)

・The great explanation of the Buddhist sutra is to get a personal understanding without words. Some persons inflict opposite words to speaking situations. However, it cannot do good deeds. Therefore, the great word is without words. To do without words is to practice, namely. Practising cannot crush by words.

・In the circumstance of teaching swimming on the platform, however skilful teaching, we cannot ask him as a good teacher. Why is it? The purpose of learning swimming is nothing theory; become good at swimming merely.

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