
『インテグリティ ーコンプライアンスを超える組織論』重版出来!


Koizumi influence

2009年08月30日 | 政治
As what Muneo SUZUKI said, ex-Prime Minister Koizumi's influence is underlying in this historic election.

Koizumi cried, "I will crush down LDP," though he was the member of LDP before he became Prime Minister.

The cry remained in the mind of many Japanese, breaking LDP's trust as a "sanctuary". LDP (or its regime) has long been, in a sense, a sanctuary in Japan. But no more.

Political situation can be changed easily. This fact is very impressive in this election and thus today may be remembered as historic date in Japan's political history.


The influence of Koizumi is, I suppose, the character of politician. He was extremely clear-cut and understandable/familiar, thus imposing a strong impact/assumption on Japanese people that politicians should be as clearly easy-to-follow as he is.

After Koizumi, we Japanese cannot be satisfied with normal politicians who are not so clear-cut as Koizumi.

It is the reason that LDP lost this time. LDP is not equipped with such popular politicians; it was understaffed. Thus we got fed up with LDP.

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