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Under construction

2007-03-03 | scenery

 Now they are constructing the road leading to the house where Seishi Yokomizo who is one of the famous mystery writers had been evacuated for about three years after the World War Ⅱ.

06 December 24

The famous small shrine called Koichya no Baasan was also moved aside.

07 February 22

As a result many cars run on the road in front of my house that is very narrow, so the drivers who aren't so good at driving manage to run through there.

07 March 2

I wonder if such a splendid road is necessary for the evacuation house where the tourists aren't so much. 

Do they expect many visitors will come from now on ?      




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2 コメント

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Seishi Yokomizo walked around there! (Cakeater = mysterydancer)
2007-03-03 23:30:24
I 've read all of his mysteries when I was a student.
(My graduation thesis is about a mystery of Geroge Simemnon. I have been a moderator of Mystery Paradise of Asahi-net. )
Mr. Yokomizo walked through the view!
Hi! (ya421)
2007-03-04 19:06:34
I'm surprised to know that you've read all of his mysteries.
I hear that he used to walk around Koichya no Baasan with his arms crossed.
One of my rice field is also by the shrine.

